Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [pron] [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 The return to rock means the supercession of demystification by re-mystification , giving people back their sense of worship , rather than forcibly opening their eyes to the nuts and bolts of how ‘ myth ’ is constructed .
2 Maggie herself , he knew , understood the situation well enough : there was no one more sensible than Maggie ; but her auntie , who seemed to have taken the place of her mother and , like a mother , had her future interests at heart , was always bringing her qualities to the fore for him to admire .
3 In this extract as a whole , we can trace speaker B's attempt to contribute to what she thinks they 're about , by first offering some remarks on telephones and then on the father , but gradually reducing her comments to the type of contentless noises described by Duncan ( 1973 ) as back channels .
4 And I also wondered whether there is a case , I do n't know to what extent the County Council is listening themselves , that whether the case for also submitting our views to the County Council .
5 She would explain the nature of her interest , so awakening in him a wish to know more about what goes on outside Masailand and also opening his eyes to the fact that the white folk see the Masai as childlike .
6 Dr Laurence Rocke is now sending his findings to The Lancet .
7 By the middle of the following week , however , she was really missing her trips to the pool and she decided that on Wednesday afternoon , which was one of the afternoons when David was n't at the factory , she would take a chance and go for a swim .
8 and again linking our concerns to the broader structures affecting people 's lives and social-cum-spatial mobility .
9 It is at least worth a footnote to any textbook on handling disputes that few employers have to contend with their management arm solemnly sitting down and condemning the negotiating strategy and then publicly relating their views to the press .
10 The IoT 's stance has angered members of the Tax Faculty who are currently considering their responses to the consultative document ; it has also led to speculation that the IoT is scared of losing members .
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