Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] into the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There are illusory curtains , from ceiling to floor , which gently billow into the room as if blown by a warm , gentle breeze .
2 So get into the habit of really looking at the viewfinder picture as you line up the shot .
3 In short , whereas there is not the possibility of using an argument from analogy to answer factual questions about time on the Sun , there is the possibility when it comes to people 's feelings , and so , being predisposed by the second reason to think that there is some sort of connection between moaning and the pain-language , we naturally fall into the trap of confusing valid fact-establishing arguments from analogy with invalid meaning-establishing ones , and produce the well-known argument that I am , in general , justified in applying ‘ mental ’ language to other people by the fact that they behave as I do when I 'm in a certain state of mind .
4 Other dimensions necessarily enter into the problem of organising government today .
5 and it he 'll come up and just cuddle into the side of you without
6 Without stimulation and vision , church musicians , clergy and congregations easily settle into the rut of the familiar .
7 You thus come into the activity as the central person — not on the edge of the outside fringe of a circle but as the instigator , the person with expertise to offer .
8 ‘ I always pop into the Prince of Wales for a few bevvies when I leave here , so does Fred .
9 However , with called up ordinary shares totalling nearly 274,000 from an authorised figure of 350,000 , the vast majority of DVR shareholders still fall into the category of casual supporters who bought a stake to help the Company succeed in running the original Dart Valley line from Totnes to Ashburton , and the later Torbay acquisition .
10 The dog will soon come to anticipate its walk eagerly , and rapidly settle into the routine of having a run before returning to you .
11 Not only did the church 's social teaching directly enter into the definition of rights , wrongs , and obligations within this nation state , but it was also to affect one aspect of the structure of government .
12 Carefully snip into the paper along its length , to form a row of thin strands joined at one end .
13 The issues over which strikes are fought also fall into the category of relevant political variables .
14 Ski coaching schemes run by schools and youth organisations are legally charitable and also come into the remit of BSET .
15 The men it was meant for now rush into the road in front of her , one of them vaulting straight over the taxi bonnet as Rainbow bangs on the brakes .
16 A Dormitory Suburb is an expression used to describe an area outside a large town where people have their homes and sleep but do n't do anything else very much — they work in the town and very often come into the town for their social life as well .
17 Doctors ' surgeries are filled with sufferers from countless illnesses which often fall into the category of ‘ stress-related ’ : high blood pressure , anxiety , ulcers , depression , tension , exhaustion , insomnia , phobias , skin conditions such as eczema ; and PMT can also worsen when we 're under intense pressure .
18 When we write the stories of people we know , we often fall into the trap of identifying too strongly with our subject and not giving the reader enough to go on because the material is too familiar to us .
19 Parents often fall into the trap of offering other food in order to tempt the child to eat so that the child appears to be faddy .
20 Gripper strips are nailed to the bottom of each riser and the back of each tread ( or you can get right-angled metal stair grippers which simply fit into the angle between each tread and riser ) .
21 The most practical idea is to have a slight well let into the floor in front of the door and to fill it with coconut matting .
22 If you have any strong feelings about the proposal please write into the Office at once .
23 Crush the peppercorns coarsely , then press into the surface of the steaks .
24 Leave to dry , then press into the top of the cake .
25 Mayflies , for instance , spend most of their lives as underwater feeding larvae , then emerge into the air for a single day into which they cram the whole of their adult lives .
26 If you 've no access from below , you can screw slightly loose treads and risers together through from the tread , but the job will be more effective and last longer if you can prise the joint between tread and riser apart ( the riser may be tongued into the tread ) , squirt in a little wood glue , then screw into the edge of the riser through the tread .
27 ‘ I also remember that some of us were individually handed pigeons that we were meant to cradle in our hands and then throw into the air in the centre-circle .
28 With anomalies , you either go into the history of the word , or advise the learner to memorise it by finding a mnemonic .
29 ‘ ENOCH Powell once advised me : ‘ Never go into the Chamber of the House of Commons without a verbal grenade in your pocket ’ , ’ Mr Norman Tebbit wrote in his biography Upwardly Mobile .
30 Personally , when facing an Empire army , I never advance into the muzzle of a volley gun ; too often it 's tantamount to suicide .
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