Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] in the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No , well mostly toilet in the middle of the night but I go straight back to bed and go back to sleep again .
2 Though residents find little change in the quality of living under these arrangements , they are generally pleased with the traffic calming that has resulted , though less so than those who live in the streets that have been completely rebuilt .
3 In former days this emotional moment could not arise because archbishops had little say in the choice of bishops and no say at all in the choice of their successor .
4 Refugee recipients had very little say in the administration of services and were insufficiently encouraged to do so .
5 Patients are at the bottom of the pecking order and have very little say in the running of services .
6 ‘ The real source of deviation in such areas ’ , writes Lemert ( 1972:55 ) , ‘ is not necessarily change in the behavior of the subjects of regulation , but may be the imposition of new rules which define existing behavior , or behavior consistent with older norms , as now deviant .
7 But if there is a substantial enough change in the functioning of the animal we might say that its welfare is poor , even if the animal itself does not detect that its welfare is poor .
8 There has been a real enough change in the form of capitalist property but the notion that the workers ‘ control ’ industry through their pension funds or life assurance contributions is manifestly absurd .
9 In 1991 their TV campaign alone cost in the region of £75,000 .
10 ‘ Nor travelled to the city for the purposes of your work ? ’ he thought to enquire , a reasonable enough question in the circumstance of his thinking her a journalist , she realised .
11 Herman 's heavily-layered paintings and his quick , succinct drawings are unmistakably of his place and time , so alert in the detail of both gesture and description .
12 So some of the sulphur which has been blamed for causing environmental problems , may before long emerge in the form of ‘ Andricite , ’ plaster and wall-boards in our houses — courtesy of ICI .
13 It can not , therefore , be a Christian insight to urge that speaking in tongues is an indispensable mark of life in the Spirit of Christ ; whereas it is an undeniably Christian insight to insist that love and holiness , so manifest in the life of the incarnate One , should mark those who claim to have his Spirit .
14 Now , these are examples of positional isomers just using ordinary groups they only differ in the position of those functional groups , sorry , of those groups .
15 They only differ in the position of that O H group .
16 The two broad categories of plants designated C 3 and C 4 differ in the biochemical pathways through which they fix carbon dioxide in photosynthesis and so differ in the degree to which they benefit from increased carbon dioxide .
17 Would my right , would my right honourable friend agree that the use of American and French and British planes to bomb the hills around Sarajevo may not necessarily produce lasting peace in Bosnia and would he further agree that if the idea is to achieve a demilitarised zone , policed effectively around Sarajevo then the best chances of so doing are by ensuring that Russian soldier in United Nations uniforms , in integrated units with British and French forces so help in the policing of that zone .
18 Youth has always been the ideological sign of pleasure because it is a time of irresponsibility , possibility , change ; young people are envied and feared and so feature in the organization of consumption as a recurring adult fantasy .
19 ROSALIND BRUNT , Tessa Perkins and Karen Jones , who all work in the Centre for Popular Culture at Sheffield City Polytechnic , talk about women both sides of the screen .
20 It can also be left running continuously , to track down those faults that only occur in the absence of a service engineer .
21 The restoration process lasted for several years , extending to other parts of the station , and eventually cost in the region of £10m .
22 Er , how do I get down at all , erm , of course that might not be a worry , you might and just remain in the realm for all eternity .
23 When she 's crying with pain for something like a migraine headache , I just sit in the dark with her and hold her hand .
24 The numbers of single mothers have risen dramatically in the 1980s ( from 130,000 in 1976 to 360,000 in 1989 ) but they nevertheless remain in the minority among lone mothers .
25 No , a tent , or we 've got an estate car if it 's just a weekend jaunt , and it 's maybe wet , we just sleep in the back of the car
26 For myself , I believe the BBC has gone generally chicken in the wake of Norman Tebbit 's assault , and is simply keeping its head below the parapet .
27 In fact I just stand in the middle of the bedroom looking like a favourite rich uncle on a flying visit from South America , urging her to choose where she 'd like to eat , and not worry about the cost .
28 A simple exercise can demonstrate this excess tension in the neck muscles : sit in a chair and place either hand on the back of the neck so that the two middle fingers just meet in the middle of the neck at the base of the skull .
29 ‘ People generally believe in the efficacy of hospitals and the police and I would put the Church in that mould — not something to be revered or mystified .
30 This was accomplished with all the relevant design information , thanks to computerisation and a 6.30am start in the studio by the designers involved .
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