Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] back to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 3 Stir in the peanut butter and gently bring back to the boil until the sauce thickens and goes glossy and smooth .
2 The proper equipment makes the whole operation far easier and safer , and encourages instructors to practise those exercises which can so often result in a long walk back to the launch point .
3 Right , so what we 're going to do is create a dummy variable to test that hypothesis , right , so if you press the escape key , right , and work your way back towards erm the data processing sort of environment , so go back to the post regression menu through the backtracking menu erm , when you 're in the backtracking menu , go to option six , which is the process plot edit option right , now press the return key in the data processing menu , right , and that will get you to the data processing environment when we can start messing about with our variables .
4 When you are ready , gently come back to the room and write down what the exercise revealed about your way-of-seeing the world .
5 Then gently come back to the room .
6 Then gently come back to the room .
7 Then gently come back to the room , and make notes on your resistance to change .
8 Celebrate your success , thank your helpers — and gently come back to the room .
9 Enjoy flowing with the river for as long as you wish — then gently come back to the room .
10 Then gently come back to the room .
11 Then gently come back to the room .
12 Then gently come back to the room .
13 Then gently come back to the room .
14 Then gently come back to the room .
15 Then gently come back to the room .
16 Then choose to walk away — and gently come back to the room .
17 It is a long haul back to the beginning .
18 But she turned around , and began the long , slow walk back to the village .
19 Best get back to the bear-pit , eh son ?
20 Oh , well , best get back to the shop else I 'll have a queue of old women all clacking at me . ’
21 And in terms of vehicle operating costs savings , if I just go back to the top of that page , the inner routes again perform well not not so not so well or better ?
22 If we just go back to the plan in the future , erm , and we move down to this section here , let's look at the questions we 're asking .
23 unless you have a base to work off of started to do , once we started doing the er , the walls take the scaffold down out of the way and to release some area off our stock pile we decided to back build so that by the time that we 'd done six tanks we 'd got half our area taken up by all that material excavated and just flip back to the drawing here what 's going to happen is that stockpile here .
24 The difficulty with all these forecasts is that the type of skills required depends on decisions made by managers about the way in which work is organised around the technology , and we thus come back to the problem identified with forecasts made about the impact of new technology on society .
25 Of course you can deviate occasionally , as long as you always come back to the diet as a routine .
26 Erm , I think that this erm , part of the agenda is most interesting because I think it 's other departments which also report back to the policy resources , which really , we as a erm , council do n't get much chance to see it 's doing .
27 These act as formal devices linking together the separate elements of the work , forming organic curves against the geometrical masses , but they also refer back to the serpent in one of the most famous classical sculpture groups , The Laocoon .
28 Now walk back to the starting position and spray the bin , then go to the phonebooth and jump onto the seat .
29 Please , in the absence of any further amendments , we now move back to the motion and give councillors the opportunity to debate the .
30 You 're that 's right you 're you 're giving the impression that it 's about a human being then it turns out to be about an animal , now come back to the question what point is being made ?
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