Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] get the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Despite subtitles which obviously struggle to get the profane poetry of Tarantino 's script , the film goes down a storm with the festival audience , though the torture does send some people scurrying for the door , among them one Wes Craven , director of the first Elm Street movie and much else .
2 Do n't be tempted to get a boot several sizes larger than you normally need to get the correct width fitting ; a boot that is too long will not be comfortable , and after some use you will find that the leather will stretch and your foot will not be properly supported .
3 A very odd case has come to my department — we always seem to get the odd ones — concerning the disappearance of the managing director of a shipping company .
4 We always seem to get the wrong sort of weather in
5 I always seem to get the wrong results even though I 'm working as hard as possible .
6 Consequently , unless there are ‘ gangsters ’ around , they usually manage to get the best jobs in prison …
7 And we now have got the first step er sorry not , not strictly speaking , the first steps of course were economic th that we had a strategic embargo and an economic embargo er on er on the Serbs and er on , on the er the , the different regions er th the first military step however is air strikes and we 'll know er within a week I think whether in fact this step will be actually taken or whether the threat is sufficient to induce er the belligerents to come to a negotiated settlement .
8 So so I I I think Mr Mayor that although this debate has erm raised people 's erm eye a little , I do believe that most of the people here have got the wrong end of the stick in what was being proposed right .
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