Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 With particular regard to the interests of our client , other than taking an overview , we obviously have to look specifically at the southwest sector as a as a possible location .
2 It means that the boundary of the black hole , the event horizon , is formed by the paths in space-time of rays of light that just fail to get away from the black hole , hovering forever just on the edge ( Fig. 7.1 ) .
3 But memories of Ken at this time still tend to revolve more around the fun .
4 It is a poem which , although at first in its language and meaning I admittedly find a little daunting , I enjoyed pondering over very much and genuinely hope to read more by the same , as yet , anonymous author .
5 They always seem to live somewhere in the north as typified by this quotation from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle .
6 IF I HAD been writing this chapter twenty years ago , I would have headed it Wester Ross or Ross-shire without hesitation , and still prefer to do so despite the absorption of the area into the new county of Highland Region in I 974 .
7 Although it is now possible to use a system of notation , choreographers still prefer to create directly on the human material , working on it and relying on the dancers ' own memories to repeat what has been designed on and for them .
8 Woman-centred methods also tend to rely uncritically on the particular kinds of scientificity that therapeutic and humanist methods have developed .
9 Females with very young kids also tend to keep away from the herd .
10 They also want to know more about the movements of the Ford Sierra , TBO 592Y on Saturday night .
11 The script assumes that this is your LSTRAIN process — if it is a live process , then make sure that the user you create to do the QA is a name that you really want to sit directly under the Manager .
12 Some of them are still exogenous and can be modified only by varying the stimulus , but some of them now seem to depend mainly on the way the subject is processing the stimulus .
13 In large parts of the newspaper industry , for example , proprietors now refuse to negotiate collectively with the National Union of Journalists .
14 Most guests use a lounge for coffee , tea or for meeting friends ; but for those who simply want to relax away from the bedroomn , newspapers and magazines are an essential extra .
15 If you 're unsure of the kinds of things they sell or simply want to know more about the kind of service they provide , give them a call before paying them a visit .
16 The cells of the future lens actively elongate and then begin to fold inwards towards the eye , in a manner not unlike the early formation of the gut in sea-urchins .
17 Even employers who are punctilious in consulting staff representatives sometimes fail to talk directly to the people whose jobs are at stake .
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