Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [prep] them [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 His Prince Hal is never a roaring boy : he sits hunched or sprawled , with dark unwinking eyes : he hopes to be amused by his bully companions , but the eyes constantly muse beyond them into the time when he must steady himself for the crown .
2 Johnson found little support among them for the reformist policies of the government of the day .
3 The researchers meet the guests first , and generally look after them from the time they arrive to the time they leave .
4 People thus switch between them as the balance of advantage changes .
5 But what could be worthier of my human intelligence than to discriminate between and interrelate the parts of a painting or musical composition with the concentration of a mathematician solving a problem , yet respond to them with the immediacy of a dog pricking up its ears ?
6 Christians , they complain , should refrain from criticism , and instead join with them for the good of each other and mankind in general .
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