Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [prep] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 People from the newspapers foolishly park outside my home on Sundays , I suspect to see either whether I go shopping or whether I go to church .
2 Apparently secure in their influence over the king , the ambition and greed of the Despensers reached new heights .
3 She keeps nothing hidden from Edward , so confident is she of his love and so secure in her belief in the future that lies before them , unconventional and home-based :
4 ‘ My lord , I shall endeavour to take heart from your assurances in regard to Lord Hastings — I derive much comfort from your undertaking in respect of this my younger son . ’
5 I was my hair every other day and usually only go to my hairdresser before a party .
6 The list that you apparently keep inside your head of things that enhance the quality of life .
7 So come to my party on Sunday , ’ Bridget said .
8 So join in our diet by doing these kinds of activity for at least 45 minutes three times a week , and watch your fat and calorie intake .
9 Would he be content to leave her in charge of Thomas and merely check on his progress from time to time , or might he endeavour to wield control in her — his — their son 's life ?
10 While there are many further applications of biotechnology in agriculture , such as in the treatment of agricultural waste , the examples given above testify to its potency as a future agent of environmental change , a potency which is likely to increase exponentially as genetic engineering develops ( section 8.4.3 ) .
11 Most managers thus depend for their development on a mixture of exhortation from above , the interest of their immediate seniors and self-help .
12 ( If not , just listen to your stream of thoughts or conversation for half an hour .
13 It is simple to test for adductor strains , just lie on your back with feet outstretched and ask a friend to attempt to separate your ankles while you hold them together .
14 You just get on my wick at times , that 's all . ’
15 You will then be asked to fill out a loan application form with information such as your name and address , where you work , your income and outgoings , etc. banks do n't always ask you to deposit security or collateral to back a loan : they generally rely on their assessment of your ability to repay .
16 Just ask for your account to be paid and for it to be paid quickly .
17 ( all excuses I have heard before ) then just think of your entry as a donation instead of a likely winner .
18 You just flip on your back like and
19 A Darlington woman wrote to Mr Tempest at his Wakefield home saying George had been best man at her wedding in 1947 and lived in Pierremont Road .
20 Seconds later , Larsen tumbled breathlessly over the edge of the stone coping , helped by a strong one-handed pull on his collar from Grant .
21 Whether you climb , walk , run , or just stroll from your car for a picnic , then you 'll expect to be able to do so free of problems ; not to be shouted at abusively or shot at ( it still happens occasionally ! ) ; not to be spurned from the hills by aggressive signs erected by indignant landowners , or find endless and unyielding deer fences encircling your 232nd Munro ; not to discover destruction from in appropriate developments over a once beautiful area .
22 Oh Lord we as offer ourselves to you , we think of those who have been unable to be with us today for whatever reason , some on holiday , and we just pray for your blessing to be with each one , and to be with all of as we ask it in your name for your praise and glory .
23 The illuminated castle and black velvet kittens on the mantelpiece of the Toodles ' home in Staggs 's Gardens do not detract from it , but rather add to its sense of welcome .
24 Small business research has expanded rapidly in the past two decades but significant gaps still remain in our knowledge about the experiences of business proprietors in the years immediately following the launch of their enterprises .
25 Left home earlyish for his visit by rail to London to see his publishers ; been picked up by taxi at about 7.20 a.m. , almost certainly to catch the 07.59 , arriving Paddington at 09.03 ; obviously with only some fairly quick business to transact since he 'd appeared confident of meeting his commitments with the tourists at lunchtime at The Randolph , and then again during the afternoon ; likely as not , then , he would originally have intended to catch the 11.30 from Paddington , arriving Oxford at 12.30 .
26 But , given that there is government money available for training , the local community should have more say about what type of training is needed and who gives it .
27 Dick Van Dyke 'as an absurd fake Cockney accent , yet young people all over the world still thrill to 'is performance in Mary Poppins .
28 Although some clinics still refer to their patient by number , most have now adopted the more human approach of calling people by their names .
29 ‘ Now , I do n't know what 's going down here , but I know this much — if you ever talk to my brother like that again , I 'll rip your nuts off and ram them down your throat .
30 Since , in the case of the parents being separated , young children usually live with their mother in our society , we might infer that the woman 's children are in some form of institutional or educational care .
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