Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Standing on the rim of Ngorongoro Crater , I watched the pastel purple of the Tanzanian dawn slowly change to a golden red .
2 It 's the one right bang on the main road ?
3 In business , an employee near retirement age may well be given a job with a grand title in a department which has little influence in the overall scheme of things .
4 The plenum , in the event , made little influence upon the continuing discussion , and by the early 1990s it was clear that only a reconsideration of the very bases of Soviet statehood would be likely to satisfy the aspirations of the various republics and nationalities .
5 In many cases this has involved rewording of Learning Outcomes but little change to the basic philosophy of the module .
6 After examining non-vocational adult education in England and Wales , this report suggested little change in the existing division of responsibility for adult education between LEAs , the university extra-mural departments and voluntary bodies such as the WEA .
7 Little change in the political map
8 There was , however , little change in the rigid separation of spheres between the male world of work and the world of home and family experienced by adult women .
9 On the other hand , sections from inflamed oesophageal mucosa contain little EGF in the capillary endothelium resulting in few EGF positive papillae .
10 Little knock on the right place … ’
11 Right place at the right time .
12 Public-sector contracts anyway only account for a small proportion of Olivetti 's sales , says Mr De Benedetti .
13 The change of style at the corner of Downing Street , on the other hand , would provide no greater contrast ‘ than occurs at every turn in the Grand Canal at Venice where Gothic and renaissance palaces constantly alternate to the great satisfaction of the artist ’ and would avoid the ‘ stereotyped monotony of a single style ’ .
14 Potted shrimps alone remain as the sole representative of these products to retain something of its original nature , although a few smoked haddock pastes are beginning to appear on London restaurant menus .
15 ‘ The French , on the other hand , not only insist on a wide variety of fresh produce but demand that their chestnuts come from the Auvergne , their snails from Clermont , their frogs from Aurillac , capons from the Bresse , mutton from the Berry , asparagus from Lavris … . ’
16 According to Fitzgerald and Sim ‘ there is not one crisis , rather a whole series , which taken together account for the parlous state of the prisons ’ ( 1992 : 5 ) .
17 Resentful at Alexander and fearful that the King might beget am heir by his new queen and so lose for a second time the opportunity to advance the claims of his own house ?
18 It is an act of faith of most brain scientists , including , as must be obvious by now , this one , that an understanding of the brain will lead to an understanding of behaviour and of the processes that control and underpin behaviour , some of which are conscious and some unconscious , but which taken together correspond to the folk-psychological term ‘ mind ’ .
19 Larry Cummins recollected , ‘ I was looking out of the window while seated at my navigator 's table , and I saw a sizeable hole suddenly appear in the left wing .
20 Has more yellow on bill than smaller Bewick 's Swan , reaching below nostril at an acute angle .
21 ‘ I only fly on the Russian Front .
22 Two streams come down from a hilly hinterland and after a sedate infancy suddenly leap in a happy frolic through verdant surroundings to reach the village where they converge as the River Greta .
23 hidden criticisms that only appear in the interpersonal context : the classic ‘ utopian plan ’ , ‘ not feasible ’ , ‘ without economic basis ’
24 No , My Lords , I entirely disagree with the Noble Lord er furthermore as I 've already said we 're talking the builders site not the library in today 's question .
25 I am referring , of course , to the fact that birds ' knees apparently bend in the opposite direction to ours — they appear to lift their legs backwards in contrast to our forward movement ( Figure 5 ) .
26 The Educational Institute of Scotland has organised industrial action because it argues that the new school is still basically Bellarmine in a different building .
27 Obviously put in a little camera in the
28 But as you 've got a long wait for the next production , let's move on to the town itself .
29 So welcome to the first edition of CCG People , which we hope will tell you all you need to know about the people that make CCG such a success .
30 The subsequent discovery of the endorphins and encephalins , hormones in the brain that act like morphine and so act as a natural analgesic , and their implication in the action of acupuncture , provided further theoretical explanation for its efficacy .
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