Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [verb] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Most patients rarely report experiencing pain during the act of cutting .
2 Families may have to share lavatories with other families or it may be inconveniently placed and so parents find that it is too much bother to take children to the lavatory and continue to let them soil .
3 ‘ I personally want to represent Canada at the 1995 World Cup ’ , he says , ‘ and , to be realistic , there is absolutely no way the Japan RFU will see their national team take the field with more than a couple of foreigners in the line-up .
4 ‘ Its figures only measure waiting time from the day a patient is put on to a consultant 's in-patient or day case waiting list .
5 You get into too much whackiness when you suddenly start bringing spaceships into the plot .
6 Many visitors naturally come to walk part of the 180-mile coast path which meanders around the peninsula , threading past high clifftops and dropping into a succession of sandy beaches , rocky coves and inlets .
7 He would , he says , much prefer to have hands on the business , rather than be sitting behind a desk .
8 I merely wish to draw attention to the long chain of wrongly dated groups of pottery , each in turn dependent on the other , all the result of the false assumption that a few coins were contemporary with this deposit , whereas they were either residual or still in circulation , and in neither case have a relevance in establishing a terminus post quem .
9 The rise since 1900 in the proportion of elderly people in Britain , the reduction in the labour force participation of this elderly population , and the heavy reliance of retired people on state pensions and other benefits , together have focused attention on the current economic problems of an ageing population .
10 The CAPM and the market model provide a means to test the performance of these portfolios and in doing so have given indications of the extent to which the market is strong form efficient in assessing the ability of managers to consistently beat the market .
11 MANAGERS at Darlington Arts Centre have announced they no longer want to play host to the town 's annual beer festival .
12 I just want to live life to the full you know , enjoy myself , go round , you know .
13 He said : ‘ I just want to introduce others to the pleasures of writing and sharing that writing with others . ’
14 Their highly successful current TV campaign , however , relies almost entirely on the relationships between the members of a distinctive , but quite ordinary , family in which individuals just happen to put Oxo into the meals they produce .
15 Then , to add a chart linked to the table into your document , just choose Add Chart from the Options menu , tell the package where you want it , and away you go .
16 In order to make their claim that his decentred totality is still expressive and therefore essentialist , they have to ignore the arguments about temporality in the critique of the Hegelian essential section as ‘ the co-existence of presence ’ , and thus fail to do justice to the way in which Althusser constructs , as Foucault puts it , ‘ a counter-memory — a transformation of history into a totally different form of time ’ .
17 just fancy taking Penny in the west park for a while , I do n't
18 However , because the market value of the liabilities is more easily determined than the market value of the assets , we generally prefer to estimate value on the basis of liabilities , not assets .
19 It 's the ones that come along and just have to do things in the middle of the garden .
20 I just need to draw attention to the fact that the erm Selby have given us a a very clear explanation of their unemployment problems and the difficulties they 're facing and erm their th th their solution being er the allocations that they 're suggesting which obviously I do n't agree with .
21 However , firms already have to face uncertainty in the context of UCTA and the criteria used to assess whether a duty of care which would give rise to liability in tort is owed .
22 It 's a long way from the killing fields of northern France seventy five years ago , but the City Of Oxford Theatre Group still want to pay tribute to the thousands who died in the Great War .
23 ‘ When photographers come here , they always want to take photographs of the worst flats . ’
24 Apart from LCpl Smith , and my driver ( I have my own Land-Rover ) , the Adjutant is really the one I work most closely with ; we always seem to take part in the same parades , but we usually get back to barracks first , leaving the officers and men on guard .
25 You usually like to keep things at the status quo , but today you could be willing to make a few changes .
26 Always try to encourage growth from the base , and never let wood become old , brown and barky — that shows you are timid .
27 They are frequently written in a way that omits insulin when the blood glucose is within the normal range , and they usually fail to take account of the insulin resistance induced by increased ketone body production .
28 Or did the partial substitutions usually fail causing dead-ends in the lattice ?
29 ‘ Prime Ministers always have to consider balance in the Cabinet — and at least we now have the same number of women as old Etonians in John Major 's team , ’ she said .
30 Could I firstly start by thanking those delegates who after Congress yesterday have expressed support about the two rule changes that we lost and to give some encouragement to new delegates here that even if you get up here and you lose it , there 's some one hell of a lot of support out there on the floor .
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