Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] the [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And you can imagine the consternation down Coney Street where there were all these people and there was the the skeleton sitting there quite perkily right the way through town .
2 We regard a number of the acts taking place within the occupied territories as illegal — most obviously the policy of settlement , which we believe stands in the way of the peace process .
3 So perhaps the sort of thing that might happen is what we found wholly by chance , in the personal interviews which we conducted with people who had been the subject of judgement summonses ( Appendix II , section 5 ) .
4 In the Habsburg Empire in 1848 , as in Russia in 1861 , it was not so much the unpopularity of serfdom among the peasantry which determined emancipation , undoubted though this was , as the fear of a non-peasant revolution which might acquire decisive force by mobilising peasant discontent .
5 However , from evidence cited by Shane ( ibid ) , it is not so much the lack of legislation but the unwillingness or inability of governments to enforce existing measures adequately which is the more fundamental problem .
6 One of the reasons why it is harder to run classes in Ipswich is not so much the diversity of entertainment provided but the overlapping of cultural activity , The WEA offers a broad cultural front , and a Branch in a village is the fount of all learning , but in a large town the musicians … artists and dramatists … historians and archaeologists have respective organisations catering for their taste , even the natural scientists do …
7 It was not so much the existence of war as the manner of fighting it which aroused the criticism of an increasingly outspoken body of persons who reflected the views of society in the growing vernacular literature and poetry of the time .
8 The real problem is not so much the scale of decentralization but the selective nature of demographic decentralization .
9 In a strict sense it is not so much the content of drama which is distinctive , but the way in which it is considered ( p. 16 ) .
10 For this reason , management is not so much the exercise of power as the empowerment of others .
11 What the Attorney-General — not so much the Minister of State — had to say in response to the private notice question was tragic .
12 … what is ultimately at stake is not so much the kind of criticism television ( and film ) should get as the kind of television [ and film ] criticism should demand .
13 The worry is not so much the idea of self-management as the fear that the size of the budget will not allow schools to manage effectively .
14 By way of contrast , the modern conception of the rule of law , which Shklar attributes to Montesquieu , is not so much the rule of reason as a set of institutional constraints .
15 Methodists ' main concern was not so much the debate over collectivism v. individualism as over reunion of the various Methodist divisions .
16 With the aid of a small capital thus amassed , he became first a pedlar in Lincolnshire , then a traveller — but it seems to sit on the surface of his story that the motive for his wider travels was not so much the search for gain as the love of travel itself , and the urge to pilgrimage .
17 We have shown that the objectives of the youth movement , the juvenile labour exchanges and the proposed continuation schools were not so much the creation of conformist youth as of the adaptable , efficient citizen , motivated by service , mediated by humanism , and morally conscious .
18 The problem here , as far as I can see , is not so much the definition of fictionality in itself , but the fact that such a definition is applied in a rigid and almost prescriptive fashion , with little consideration for the way in which texts are actually perceived in their own contexts of production and reception .
19 Something is wrong , so already the image of self has changed .
20 If the object reflecting the echoes were not a static tree but a moving insect , the Doppler consequences would be more complicated , but the bat could still calculate the velocity of relative motion between itself and its target , obviously just the kind of information a sophisticated guided missile like a hunting bat needs .
21 I remembered so painfully the anguish of estrangement , and I felt I could not take the risk of spoiling our amity , nor of living with memories of discord , should he be killed .
22 Only once the transfer of power had been smoothly effected and accepted by the general public , the paper claimed , had Sir Charles Dobson been allowed to die .
23 But whereas neurosis is , in a sense , a private affair , affecting mainly the person who suffers from it , delinquency and acting-out of neurotic conflicts are much more the concern of society as a whole and are certainly likely to affect others to a greater degree than is normally true of the symptoms of a conventional neurosis .
24 Bachofen and Maine were soon followed by J. F. McLennan , a Scotsman whose work in part coincided with that of Bachofen and Maine but which developed much more the study of kinship systems .
25 Thirdly , it is perhaps still the kind of theory with the most support in linguistic and philosophical circles , despite many dissenters and many unresolved problems .
26 In order to buy the oil off us , they had to pay sterling and so hence the demand for sterling goes up and suddenly we were viewed as a very rich economy .
27 Both these distinctions imply that registration in storage continues long past the time of reception of information .
28 On the contrary , few aspects of the social sciences show quite so clearly the importance of value in explanation as the capacity of social science theories , whether middle range or general , to return in modified guises after apparently destructive attack .
29 Sweeney shocks because he shows so clearly the effect of lack of themis .
30 In much the way that curriculum development and in-service education relinquished their dependence on centralised projects and courses and came to be focused on the particular contexts of schools , so also the preoccupation of project evaluation with theoretical models and procedures gave way to a practical need to solve concrete problems of educational practice in schools .
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