Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is as if he is most careful to avoid reference to ideology because that would imply a determinacy that his analysis would have to confront .
2 Retributivism claims that it is in some way morally right to return evil for evil , that two wrongs can somehow make a right .
3 Price alterations to tickets are often found , in some instances this has been done twice , perhaps due to fare increases during World War I and subsequent reductions afterwards .
4 Protectionism in any form will affect tr will affect trade and er , but nevertheless the agricultural lobbies have been sufficiently strong to withstand pressure from GATT to include agriculture in , in the negotiations .
5 Given their virtually unlimited powers to dictate what a dissenting group may or may not be allowed to do , there is a danger that police will prove less willing to negotiate arrangements with protest organisers , preferring to impose conditions as the law allows .
6 Most researchers start from the assumption that it is morally wrong to conduct research on people who do not know that they are being studied , and will therefore tell them at least that they are writing a book , even if they are not wholly frank about what the book is going to be about .
7 HIRING — We are only prepared to provide cover for plant hired out provided that it is under the terms of a Hiring Agreement which is no more onerous than C.P.A. Conditions .
8 On the other hand , class divisions in residence , education and job opportunities remain sufficiently distinct to favour marriage between partners of similar origin .
9 Betty was so relieved to see Lydia in spirits again that she did n't care at all that it was Beuno who had wrought the transformation .
10 It 's so easy to make friends at Cala Mesquida .
11 It is not so easy to produce figures for Britain as so much porn is consumed illegally , but the trend is sure to mirror that of the States .
12 Although the facilities are not ideal we are extremely lucky to find premises in London on a Saturday .
13 She had never expected it would be so hard to pretend lack of interest when her very heart and soul were longing to demonstrate her love .
14 At the early stages of learning to read , some children have to struggle so hard to convert symbols into sounds that they do not gain meaning : ‘ Teh — Heh — Th — Eh — Theh — THE — Cee — Keh — Ah — Teh — CAT — The cat ’ , and so forth .
15 ‘ It 's so hard to capture poverty on video , you know , Superintendent .
16 It 's so hard to separate emotions from facts .
17 Charge transfer transitions are less important for the f-block elements than for d-block elements , mainly because they are less likely to form complexes with ligands having suitable donor orbitals .
18 And he may well have been correct in thinking that , in France at any rate , such men were less likely to take advantage of women .
19 The market is less active , people are less likely to take risks with things they know nothing of in the hope of growth so perhaps the recession has affected the USM more severely than people have given credit for .
20 Babies that are breastfed are less likely to fall victim to gastro-enteritis , respiratory infections and glue ear .
21 Solid manure stores , carefully sited and tended , are less likely to give rise to nuisance problems than is liquid storage in the form of a slurry .
22 On the other hand , and with the exception of medical services where , as the LFS also shows , use is made of agency nurses and doctors , public sector establishments of any kind are very much less likely to make use of agency workers .
23 Lone parent families are more likely than two parent families to depend on social security benefits , and are less likely to have earnings from employment as their main source of income .
24 Precautions for experimental animals will inevitably be less stringent to allow access to scientists and their technicians .
25 A purchaser is only likely to avoid liability for dismissals before completion if either the dismissal was for a reason unconnected with the sale ( eg gross misconduct ) or the dismissal was sufficiently far in advance of completion that it was not connected with the sale .
26 It was a strangely farcical routine , and must be extremely tedious to enact day after day .
27 To distinguish between these symmetry species we need more information , and it is extremely helpful to measure polarization of Raman scattering from fluids and band contours of IR ( or Raman ) bands of gases .
28 In France it is apparently illegal to graze livestock in woodland .
29 Even a relatively liberal and progressive administrator like Saint-Germain was extremely unwilling to grant commissions to parvenus at the expense of poor but military-minded nobles .
30 ( 3 ) Even if the nature of these qualities of pleasure and pain are themselves unproblematic , it is said that what people want ( or want to avoid ) is not necessarily any kind of private experience , but just as often objective states of affairs in the public world , and it is thought no less reasonable to take account of wants of this sort than those for private experiences .
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