Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the [noun] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , the developments in any school must be seen in the context not only of the perspectives on curriculum change of key individuals but also of the personal aims , philosophies and motivations of the people concerned .
2 Perhaps it is religious education which is in large part to blame for this , together with the restrictions on sexuality imposed upon children in schools and colleges .
3 This data , together with the data on productivity described below , suggests that the research work carried out in the geology departments of these universities is of a lower standard than that of the other Scottish universities .
4 This data , together with the data on productivity described below , suggests that the research work carried out in the geology departments of these universities is of a lower standard than that of the other Scottish universities .
5 Young Germans come over and work together with the Czechs on renovation projects . ’
6 A monthly statement showing details of all transactions on your account together with the balance on Meridian Savings .
7 The main thrust of the interesting critique of Formalism made by the Bakhtin school ( discussed below in the chapter on Marxism ) is based on the claim that all use of language , including a literary use , is both social and ideological .
8 As will be seen below in the section on search repetition results , the objective difference between the two systems was not great , and it is not at all surprising that users did not seem to find any difference .
9 I have finished with the Birds magazine , but thought you might be interested , especially in the article on page 32 .
10 Some alienation provisions contain surrender-back clauses which should be strongly resisted by the tenant , as they lead to uncertainty as to whether the tenant will be permitted to assign the lease to the person of its choosing , and unless carefully worded could result in the tenant obtaining less from the landlord on surrender than it would have done from the assignee .
11 We endorse Republican legislation , the Pornography Victims Compensation Act , allowing victims of pornography to seek damages from those who make or sell it , especially since the Commission on Pornography , in 1986 , found a direct link between pornography and violent crimes committed against women and children …
12 The poem you 're about to hear is one that 's recited all over the country on Remembrance Day — the fourth verse , in particular , you 'll hear recited on its own or see inscribed on war memorials .
13 Apart from us there are usually some research students on the island and up to six overnight guests and six volunteers who come from all over the world on working holidays .
14 Both had their moments and , for the first time , both were shown all around the world on television .
15 Still , there was a good deal of stealthy coming and going within the building — this being ignored apparently by the men on duty in the guardchamber .
16 As numerous objectors pointed out , the amount spent annually by the government on research into renewable energy has been less than a tenth of the spending on nuclear research .
17 Galerie Didier Imbert , just off the Rond-Point on avenue Matignon , is putting on an exhibition of fifty Botero pastels , watercolours and drawings and twenty sculptures for the same duration as the open air show down the road .
18 ‘ He was incredible — just like The Hulk on TV . ’
19 Then the cliffs come alive with sea birds gliding effortlessly along the coastline on fishing or scavenging expeditions .
20 The early 1860s had witnessed the culmination of the great modernising transformation of the criminal justice system in Britain : away from the reliance on hanging , whipping and transportation that had dominated the ‘ Bloody Code ’ inherited from the eighteenth century , towards an essentially novel emphasis on the reformation of character through the discipline of the penitentiary .
21 The Hanoverians inherited a system of taxation which was already shifting away from the taxes on land and immovable property that had provided almost half of government income under the later Stuarts .
22 The fuselage has broken off behind the pilot 's seat , the propeller shaft and gearing , having fallen away from the engine on impact , lie nearby .
23 In some patients there is a flexor reaction which makes the patient draw his foot away from the floor on contact .
24 After next Sunday ( 19 August ) I will be away from the parish on holiday for two weeks .
25 And er just round the corner on Street , , there were two two houses , that was a prison .
26 ’ They all grabbed hold of him and , after a lot of yelling from Zach and one almighty heave , they yanked him out and fell backwards in the grass on top of a yelping Sammy .
27 THERE was confusion yesterday about the affect on government spending and borrowing after the Treasury climbdown over the way subsidies from the European Commission are treated .
28 The minor tone-group corresponds to the tone-unit used in this course , and the idea of a larger unit ( the major tone-unit ) is a valuable one that will be discussed further in the notes on Chapter 19 .
29 Currie High has an early start to the day ( 8.35 ) and most children leave home in the dark on winter mornings ; but there is always some daylight by 8.15 .
30 BANK robbers said to have staged a bungled raid on the Jedburgh branch of the TSB , were named from the witness box yesterday by the man on trial for the crime .
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