Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 Belgrade radio claimed that police used force only after their order for the demonstrators to disperse had been met with stone throwing .
2 She had been looking forward to this moment , for it promised a long-sought revenge : a revenge not only against her husband for the bitterness and suffering he had caused her , but also against the harlot , Hannah Gristy , whose lithe body and brazen looks had tempted young Gregory into fornication nearly forty years before , and of whom this insolent little slut was so painful a reminder .
3 If you wish to join , you should complete the membership form below and send it to The Royal Air Forces Association , 43 Grove Park Road , Chiswick , London W4 3RX , together with your remittance for the appropriate membership fee .
4 The twentieth-century preference for ‘ the colloquial ’ in poetry may well be a temporary phenomenon ; Donald Davie 's Purity of Diction in English Verse ( 1952 ) , together with his admiration for the late Augustans , represent one attempt to revive an interest in the use of a ‘ civilized ’ diction ; it is interesting that he has to go back to the age before Wordsworth .
5 But they were not in Great Britain in 1984 , and adjacent areas with similar relatively isolated mining communities ( notably Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire ) differed very substantially not only in their support for the strike call but also in their level of industrial militancy over a substantial period of time .
6 That road leads inexorably to her work for the sick , the dying and the distressed .
7 He is distressed by what the Black Land has become , so soon after his departure for the Fields of Aarru .
8 Seeing his eyes move away from her mouth for the first time since the whole affair had begun , she shook her shoulders so that her full , rounded gourds trembled like jelly .
9 At Sussex University , he met Gail Rebuck , who would figure largely in his life for the next twenty years .
10 Last week Mr Takeshita admitted that , in addition to the 12,000 shares that came his way , Recruit slipped him ¥20m just before his bid for the prime ministership in 1987 .
11 He had looked directly into her face for the first time and she saw his dark eyes blaze with a mixture of anger and pain .
12 The story of some of these presses is a fascinating one to follow , as the printers surreptitiously pull off their pamphlets and broadsides in some kitchen or remote country house , load up and press on to the next location , with an eye ever over their shoulder for the pursuers .
13 Random thoughts edged slowly into my mind for the rest of the day .
14 She had previously won the Oloman-Ellis Award ( see page : 109 ) and been elected a Grand Councillor both for her work for the BDA in her own branch — Leeds — and region — North Regional Council — , on the national executive , As editor of a Newsletter and of hundreds of " Congress Bulletins " , and as fund-raiser extraordinary for deaf sporting activities .
15 Professor Ruiperez of the Faculty of Letters spoke to me quite openly of his admiration for the man and the writer .
16 One-year Masters ' programmes and research supervision are provided within its five departments : Hebrew and Old Testament ; New Testament ; Ecclesiastical History ; Christian Ethics and Practical Theology ; and Theology and Religious Studies ; and also within its Centre for the Study of Christianity in the Non-Western World .
17 There is no lack of evidence here for his concern for the welfare of his cathedral church and of the monasteries and churches of his diocese ; but this occasionally confused register suggests , even so , a bishop with political and financial interests which extended beyond routine local and parochial concerns , for it includes many documents which show his close interest in international political developments .
18 At last she wrote to Sir John Merchiston , who was a remote cousin , but whom she had known when she came as a débutante to visit here with her family for the hunting . ’
19 Yesterday publican John McKeague said that Mr McGarry had been drinking regularly in his bar for the last 20 years , but added that no one had ever asked about his movements .
20 ‘ I 've had my greatest moments here on my birthday for the last 20 years and I do n't intend to stop now .
21 They demonstrate this partially by their support for the two nationalist parties , Sinn Fein and the Social Democratic and Labour Party , though support for the latter does not necessarily imply nationalism .
22 This English pantomime tradition Ashton also exploited earlier in his choreography for the Ugly Sisters in Cinderella where he followed the tradition that one is always a somewhat modest violet bossed about by her dragon of a sister .
23 Not a chance of course — I was stuck there in my seat for the next five or six hours .
24 On Saturday night , they had worked hard on their holiday for the sake of the Prince of Wales , and this was all the thanks they got .
25 And that 's the way the authorities should be moving forward with their planning for the county .
26 We will continue to depend heavily upon their help for the foreseeable future and gratefully acknowledge their invaluable help .
27 But apart from our passion for the sport , we share nothing on a personal level .
28 We intend shifting our locality tomorrow morning ; we are going into South port 15 miles distance from this , ( nearer home ) this move is principally on my account for the purpose of affording me a new locality for my rambles .
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