Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb pp] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Modular or unit credit courses are currently the subject of much discussion in higher education , but interest in them in this country dates back to the 1970s ( much earlier in the USA ) when , for example , the Nuffield team produced a report on them rather facetiously called The Container Revolution ( Mansell 1976 ) .
2 With United investing in youth and St Johnstone benefiting from shrewd financial management , the Dundee of the '9Os has long since flogged the family silver and now faces an uncertain future as a dosser with a double-barrelled name .
3 Does he realise that we need to deal urgently with the special car tax and to review the punitive arrangements affecting company cars that have so badly hit the Jaguar car company in my constituency ?
4 ‘ It is almost inconceivable that having so rightly stressed the tourist potential of Caernarfon that the Trust should then fail to seize the opportunity to capitalise on that potential .
5 The program has only just reached the material development loop , but it is nonetheless quite useful to look at its progress and comment on the development so far .
6 Terry Goldsmith has only ever watched the Gold Cup race run on television .
7 In the election Ochirbat had only narrowly defeated the NPP leader , Dagvasurengiyn Ganbold , in a contest for an Ulan Bator seat .
8 In the absence of detailed historical information other than a claim made by local hunters that great spotted cuckoos were absent from Guadix until 1962 ( ref. 8 ) , Soler and Möller assumed that cuckoos had only recently colonized the Guadix area .
9 The local council in Banbury have just recently passed the planning application for the Coca Cola canning plant there , is this something you would welcome given problems with pollution up in Banbury anyway , before ?
10 No one has ever accurately defined the Indo-Pakistan border at the head of the Siachen glacier , and since 1984 troops from both sides have been at war on the high passes of this inhospitable land .
11 The single most influential neo-Marxist conceptual innovation for the analysis of development within the global system in general in the last few decades has been dependency theory , or what might be more accurately termed the dependency metatheory .
12 In recent years the House of Lords has more readily applied the Practice Statement of 1966 .
13 Janice and Jill have since wisely divided the 50–strong class into two sessions — one for under-threes and one for over-threes .
14 A strong religious element also naturally coloured the hostage story .
15 IBM and Motorola have also apparently skirted the heat dissipation problem haunting both the Pentium and the Alpha .
16 He had also strongly criticized the US administration for failing to agree binding targets for cuts in greenhouse gas emissions .
17 On fine china erm , although profits were down , Royal Doulton did manage a margin of eight point five percent and here again improved the cash flow on nineteen ninety .
18 Owners Abroad has consistently fiercely opposed the Airtours bid .
19 To make the roses I arranged five petals in an overlapping circle , placed three petals on top of them and then finally positioned the rose centre in the middle .
20 Local authorities had almost completely ignored the Norwood report of 1943 .
21 So in a sense I had quite accidentally just done the market research .
22 I 'd never really explored the bandit country north of Peckham but at least there were plenty of vehicles around to cover me .
23 Albert Tarr , who was unmarried and lived with his widowed mother at the tiny Devon village of East Anstey , was subsequently posthumously awarded the Carnegie Bronze Medal — at that time before the introduction of the George Medal , one of the highest possible civilian awards that could be given for acts of heroism and bravery .
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