Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] it [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It will be all right because it 's got to be all right , it 's necessary — without it the world ends . ’
2 For fear of losing one or two sales of its obsolete mainframes , IBM designed the RT so badly that it had to junk the machine completely and start again from scratch to create the ( incompatible ) RS/6000 .
3 So much so that it has become a saw of pollsters and political commentators that ‘ election campaigns make no difference ’ .
4 But he was in a sense revivified : his heart withstood the weakening effect of his illnesses much better than it had done in the same period of the previous year , and this was the first winter for some time when he had not been forced to seek treatment in a clinic .
5 So long as it had appeared to be an alternative force to the Labour party , he kept clear .
6 Why not go along with Luke 's expansive mood for just so long as it took to finish her drink ?
7 Writing a doctorate on the British response to the church conflict in Nazi Germany , I was well aware that Dietrich Bonhoeffer had refused to grant that the established national Protestant Church was in fact a Christian church so long as it refused to ordain people who were racially Jewish .
8 There 's also a guy called Ron Tyson who collects every magazine article ever written about Hendrix … so long as it 's got Hendrix on the front cover .
9 I do n't care if it 's a rubbish route so long as it 's got an E-number .
10 Though the basic broad principles of the hierarchy are observable from its inception , probably toward the end of the fifteenth century , it was only gradually that it became elaborated ; and it was only with elaboration that the hierarchy tended gradually to become more rigid and to exert an increasing influence on the attitudes both of the ulema toward their own aspirations and of the people toward the ulema .
11 ECOMOG officials , however , categorically denied Taylor 's claim that Ulimo had been able to advance so rapidly because it had received aid from countries contributing to the ECOMOG force .
12 The evening ended less amiably than it had begun , and no one thought of the wombat until a late hour , and then it had disappeared .
13 The compression of the state pension down to income support levels has gone so far that it has superseded the income support level , so that every pensioner , as of right , should be on income support .
14 The judge erred in law in holding that in mortgage proceedings if a mortgagee failed to seek an order for costs then the mortgagor could apply for the costs to be taxed on an appropriate basis ; if no order was made the mortgagor could require that the costs of the mortgage proceedings be referred by the master taking the account to the taxing master for taxation pursuant to R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 24 ; ( 3 ) that a provision in the mortgage deed providing expressly or by implication the basis on which costs were to be taxed was not then binding on the court and the judge also erred when he held that in mortgage proceedings a provision entitling the mortgagee to an indemnity against all costs , charges and expenses was void so far as it purports to exclude the jurisdiction of the court under section 51 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
15 Section 296A(1) also makes any term or condition in an agreement void in so far as it purports to prohibit or restrict the use of any device or means to observe , study or test the functioning of a computer program in order to understand the ideas and principles underlying any element of the program .
16 We will not follow Gassendi in much of this , but it will be of interest to note what he says in so far as it relates to experience .
17 It goes in the right direction in so far as it does aim to re to continue to reduction in migration , but it does n't go far enough .
18 Wood which concluded : ‘ The non-treaty Nez Perces can not in law be regarded as bound by the treaty of 1863 ; and in so far as it attempts to deprive them of a right to occupancy on any land its provisions are null and void . ’
19 The chapter sets the tenor for the whole work in so far as it tries to examine the social conditions under which blacks became involved in sport , first in the USA and then in Great Britain .
20 Awareness of Thatcher and Kinnock was spread much more evenly throughout the electorate , and in so far as it did vary it was particularly high amongst those who had recently watched television news or had recently discussed the campaign ( Table 7.7 ) .
21 By the end of the campaign that was no longer so true : awareness of Thatcher and Kinnock had spread much more evenly through the electorate and in so far as it did vary it was particularly high amongst those who had recently watched television news or discussed the campaign .
22 ( b ) by finding that a domestic statute passed prior to entry is repealed by implication by the European Communities Act 1972 in so far as it fails to accord with our community obligations and thus does not represent the latest intention of Parliament ;
23 The knowledge that the larger margin was there for the taking , if you were bold enough to seize it , exercised him as much now as it had done back in 1973 .
24 Only now that it had happened it was n't in the least funny .
25 So even if it managed to escape from the scientists ' clutches in Britain , it could not turn into another exotic pest , like the mink in Britain or the rabbit in Australia .
26 The feeling sent the adrenalin rushing around so fast that it threatened to wear me out before I got to my destination .
27 Before it was halfway through its arc Hrun 's right hand moved so fast that it appeared to travel between two points in space without at any time occupying the intervening air .
28 Thus , you drag the second line indent marker to the right , drop it , and the change happens — all much quicker than it takes to read this sentence .
29 Although I 'd followed the progress of the King trial in the papers , it was only then that it began to hit home what a symbol he had become for the suppressed majority of my city .
30 It appeared so unexpectedly that it seemed to leap out of the ground .
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