Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] as they [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Men like Pericles controlled policy not through any power vested in them but only so long as they could persuade the people .
2 Just so long as they could finish this stupid game and get on to his answer .
3 Cannons can be used to pound the enemy as you advance just as easily as they can blow holes in oncoming enemy formations .
4 Maybe it was a compliment , their assumption that we could find our way down just as easily as they could .
5 British Rail asserts , and the hon. Member for Keighley said so again tonight , that in physical terms the planned exit of the lines from King 's Cross at the south-eastern corner of the new proposed station is such that lines could go to Stratford just as easily as they could have gone southwards .
6 But now , the men on board ship above him were screaming , and with three holes fired on each side of the vessel , he gave the signal to bear away as swiftly as they could ply their paddles .
7 They would make their way back home as fast as they could to receive the benefits of national health service treatment .
8 UNCED 's Secretary-General , Maurice Strong , has acknowledged that there will be " serious failures " at the summit , and added , in an oblique reference to the US , that " some countries are not going nearly as far as they could " .
9 Though they were standing as far apart as they could , and though they were both fully dressed , her hand flew to her mouth and her eyes widened .
10 This followed the line of the river , which ran straight from almost as far away as they could see , flowing smoothly without fords , gravel shallows or plank bridges .
11 Shafts of piercing sunlight slowly push their curious fingers through the dusty waters as far down as they will go .
12 I think some stations might do that , but they only do it if , if it 's , if it 's not going to be detrimental to the turn out , in other words they , they have a system , erm for instance they have a duty crew over the weekend , so that at least some can take their families to the seaside if they wanted to , so six will remain around the house er er but they do have some system , but I think the majority of fire stations , there are twenty seven in Suffolk like that , who work on the system of getting there as quickly as they can , and that is the best competition to get there , to get the ride .
13 And those beetles of yours — the ones that could n't get home because the sheet was moving almost as fast as they could walk — that must be how it is for light moving through our space .
14 His career was not without its less attractive moments , and it is sad that many fans will remember the famous picture in the 1981 Wisden of him kicking down the stumps after having an appeal refused in New Zealand almost as readily as they will recall his wonderful bowling ; yet even in dissent he was physically graceful , and the picture is positively balletic .
15 The Ministry did tell us not to waste effort growing flowers , but somehow one always felt they were not quite as right as they might have been on that one .
16 For the first time , things are n't working quite as well as they used to .
17 They were both straining to reach , leaning forward as far as they could , agonisingly aware that the door and its ring handle that might have given them some leverage were out of their reach , when another sound fell on their ears .
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