Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The group of circles formed a genus , and the genera could similarly be arranged in circles , and so on up the scale to higher groupings .
2 All too often the answer to that question is " No " .
3 Ellie looked once more down the table to her father , silently praying he would put an end to it , and prevent what was sure to be a bloodbath .
4 Full time work is also very often the passport to various forms of occupational welfare such as pension rights , private health insurance , subsidised meals and paid holidays .
5 Clearly devolving responsibility for delivering the service locally by pushing such responsibility as far down the hierarchy to the point of delivery as is reasonably possible , and by ensuring that the local manager is placed in a hierarchy of managers , all with closely defined job descriptions from top to bottom of the organization
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