Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was rare to have six Black gays working politically and personally together in the same workplace and that helped me integrate my identity as a Black lesbian .
2 At this time I was at a loss to understand how it managed to hover for so long in the same place .
3 Arsenal , having won the Cup and two Championships in four years , could not go on for much longer with the same team , and in 1933 Chapman 's major concern was to find replacements to keep the club on top .
4 Mr you 'll spoi you 'll spoil us when I saw this tonight I thought we I got ta say something because Martin is coming up with the er same motion as it was last time , it was not much different so probably with the same reply 's got ta be made and that is that the Labour party is not the caring party , everyone here , I 'm sure the Liberals as well as the Conservatives care we are a caring party as much as you are and we are concerned , we are concerned about , we are concerned about
5 Fortunately there are now many people who think this is wrong , and they do so mainly for the same reason , that is , because the ‘ god ’ spoken of has never been explained in a manner which they themselves can easily understand and believe in .
6 The Boston Compact was essentially about employability , ( although there were some initial allusions to community regeneration ) ; the two key funding UK government departments are obviously principally about the same thing .
7 In the UK , Japan and the US there have been a spate of deregulatory initiatives taken by government , and European governments are also moving more slowly in the same direction .
8 It even OK to sleep with her — whether you 're still together in the same house or living apart .
9 Crime rates have risen even more dramatically over the same period : from 522,684 indictable crimes recorded by the police in 1948 , to 1,407,774 in 1968 , and by 1988 to 3,715,800 .
10 She 'd been so sure she 'd be alone again this morning , and to have him still here under the same roof , calmly cooking breakfast , was almost more than she could cope with .
11 But the orphans are still there in the same orphanages and some people at least are not going to forget them .
12 Even allowing for the probability that Time was no non-stop streamliner , faring ever forward at the same speed every day of creation , some fresh interruption of Nature must have occurred to explain its present serpentine course .
13 Shortly before the fateful journey to Greece he begins to be overcome once again by the same sensation .
14 Thereupon the world reverses its rotation and everything starts to deteriorate until God reasserts his control and lets the universe rotate once again in the same direction as before .
15 Mark usually achieved this by thinking out an arresting beginning , nearly always of the same type , asking his congregation to imagine themselves standing gazing at the Pyramids or the Acropolis or even the New York skyline , hardly realising , until Sophia pointed it out to him , that these sights would be unfamiliar to the majority of his hearers .
16 Possibly because of its immensely larger bulk , antarctic ice has changed far less during the same period .
17 One positive spin-off was the arrival of the Royal Army Ordnance Victuallers School , which , among others , trains field bakers and abattoir workers and is now happily under the same management as the Army School of Catering .
18 It divided workers from one another , since their earnings might vary widely even within the same establishment , or different types of labour might be paid in entirely different ways .
19 Tomorrow more of the same sunshine and showers .
20 This is done by bringing the foot back to the starting position and then striking again equally quickly with the same foot , either to another area of the body or at the opponent 's legs , behind the upper heel , to sweep him to the ground .
21 Harrington did well temporarily for the same reason as my original Cheat did .
22 The collieries used to there used to be a wall from the right to the chapel that was at even now in the same place .
23 Except for Britain and France this type of banking became prevalent in continental Europe during the buoyant expansion of capitalism since the 1880s and close relationships between industrial companies and banks built up everywhere basically on the same lines , even though their evolution proceeded rather differently in different countries .
24 This , no doubt , was the reason that Nenna 's thoughts , whenever she was alone , took the form of a kind of perpetual magistrates ' hearing , in which her own version of her marriage was shown as ridiculously simple and demonstrably right , and then , almost exactly at the same time , as incontrovertibly wrong .
25 Birds in which the male and female looked very different were often classified as different species in nineteenth century bird books ; and the same happened with certain species of orchids which have flowers of different kinds , sometimes bafflingly on the same plant .
26 Return to the lying position and repeat twice more to the same side .
27 Return to the lying position , then repeat twice more to the same side .
28 Some of them work regularly every Christmas , sometimes repeatedly with the same employer .
29 Regular staff , sometimes nominally of the same grade , provide a sort of supervision for them in the initial period and themselves tend to find that during the peak period they are doing , or doing more consistently , more responsible jobs than during the rest of the year .
30 If you had the inner relief road those figures would in fact therefore change quite dramatically in the same way that the A sixty one figures have changed .
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