Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The survey found that numbers of Britain 's only native cat , Felix silvestris , have declined throughout Scotland , but most importantly in the north and west , where the cat is genetically purer than any other in Europe .
2 Lukács tells us remarkably little about the structure and process of ‘ ideology ’ or knowledge .
3 Settle things like hours , holidays , pay day etc. right at the beginning if possible .
4 As to the others , it really depends rather crucially on the game that one has in mind .
5 At that meeting Close 's committee will make wide-ranging recommendations , most crucially on the captaincy and a possible team manager .
6 They had simply come a little deeper into the forest than they had realised .
7 Houghton convinced himself he was searching so avidly for the match that he was almost willing himself to find it .
8 You know only right in the middle and we used to jump off the Suspension Bridge regular , some used to dive , but I never did dive there .
9 Indeed the Baron himself has almost given up buying ( a recent exception was Constable 's ‘ The Lock ’ , which he acquired at Sotheby 's in 1991 for over £10 million ) , as works of sufficient importance appear so rarely on the market and cost so much when they do .
10 Their influence declined only slowly after the war because British military operations continued around the world as Britain at first struggled to retain her empire , and then , after Suez , fought to bring about a prudent and dignified withdrawal from colonial responsibility .
11 But apparently he 's all right for the weekend because Saturday is a courting-free day ! ’
12 It is all right for the hero and heroine to go to bed together , although if they actually make love before they are married , a wedding should follow immediately .
13 It might have been all right in the past but it does n't work now . ’
14 Not ghastly things which looked all right in the air but turned into freezing wet stuff which was allowed to just lie around on the floor .
15 With the growth in pre-marital sexual experience which has taken place , it might be supposed that selection of a long-term partner on these lines would be easier ; but human beings still have a tendency to believe that everything will be all right in the end and a surprising number have said to me , " things did n't go too well before we married but I thought they 'd work out . "
16 He is , however , entirely right about the effect that a national minimum wage would have on jobs , especially jobs for young people .
17 That was why she was reacting so badly to the news that he had left Taipei .
18 No wonder women are treated so badly in the world when even an organisation such as Amnesty judges them in terms of their lives only meaning something if they can ‘ belong ’ to a man .
19 Wait patiently and long enough at the start and the end of the day at different villus and you will see or hear most of Sri Lanka 's wildlife .
20 The curia was worried by talk of modernization — especially perhaps by the thought that 2,500 bishops in Rome might make them change their procedures in unwelcome ways .
21 in he cried so loud with the pain that the whole neighbourhood could hear him .
22 So much for the idea that two-tier pricing will somehow be too complicated .
23 So much for the claim that science does not involve causation .
24 Then apply heat with a blowlamp , playing the flame gently all round the fitting and adjacent pipe — use a protective mat if working near wooden floorboards which could catch fire .
25 When hearing such tales those in the jungle would become quite terrified , and I once met a group of Chewong on the move with all their worldly belongings , having abandoned their settlement in order to resettle much deeper in the jungle because they had heard rumours that the Malays wanted Chewong heads .
26 Er so regardless of the fact that er I was er well recommended and eminently suitable er for the job they would n't even let me go
27 These architects are good at dissembling the bulkiness of their buildings to planning committees , less so to the passer-by when they are actually built .
28 It is difficult to see how the courts can scrupulously review the reasonableness of police discretion where the case comes up so long after the event when the wording in the Act is so very wide in the first place .
29 French workmen fleeing from the dock were fired on because the Germans thought this was an organised rising , the explosions coming so long after the raid that they took them to be the work of the Free French Resistance Movement and threatened reprisals if the ‘ revolt ’ did not stop .
30 He made some remark about being surprised to receive Blanche 's request so long after the murder and not being sure what she hoped to gain from viewing the tapes .
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