Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] their [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All of these uses of the railway station survive in the oral evidence of many North American villages and townships that have long since lost their rail service .
2 They demonstrated that the reduced production of 6-oxo-prostaglandin F 1 α , seen in chronically diabetic rats ( four-six weeks ) could be restored by a dose of insulin ( 8 U/kg/day ) that only partially corrected their plasma glucose and body weight ( Rogers & Larkins , 1981 ) .
3 In Rutland there were very few assessments at £50 in 1522 , and all were prudently reduced to £40 ( more or less ) for the subsidy ; men on £60 or more could not so plausibly shed their surtax liability .
4 One of the results of even a modest rate of inflation is that as people 's money income increases , so too does their tax bill .
5 NORTHAMPTON 'S surprising defeat at the hands of Midlands rivals Nottingham on Saturday has most probably ended their League championship hopes for 1992 .
6 When their pregnancies were confirmed , both markedly reduced their training mileage during the third trimester .
7 We have also extended our gas turbine testing facilities in Aberdeen and our two specialist companies , Turbine Engineering Services and Gas Turbine Fuel Systems , have both significantly increased their market penetration .
8 Some large private companies are also quietly adjusting their pay structure to remove race and gender discrimination .
9 Perceiving more clearly than most the dangers inherent in the darkening American situation , the Barclay brothers first gave up their commission merchant business and then gradually reduced their export trade to North America .
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