Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] at that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So just looking at that process , the process of making a piece of practical drama , whether it comes from text or not … the processes of assessment are very complex and far-reaching , and I think it would be very unreal to say that anybody could get to the end of that process without knowing very clearly what … the task had been , how they had approached it , how it had gone at the end really .
2 er the building er effectively would have only just commenced at that stage
3 Er the erm er fact of the matter was that er er as has been recorded by those less emotionally charged at that moment , I did n't flounce out of the cabinet .
4 Makassar , still barely visited at that time by foreigners , was an eye-opener .
5 A teacher , employed by Orkney Islands Council , she said there was an atmosphere of great insecurity amongst council employees about there right to protest at that time .
6 As she got to her feet he looked underneath her , remembering the equipment cows had , and saw that she had a semblance of the same thing , although nothing like so dangly as a cow 's , but quite satisfactorily dripping at that moment with what he supposed was milk .
7 I 've never really looked at that side of it , you know , so I do n't really know .
8 my Lord I think it 's also helpful to add that in the case erm , er your Lordship will find at er , maybe helpful if you could very briefly look at that judgment my Lord
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