Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] by [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The extent of the revolution is most strikingly illustrated by comparison of Giovanni Gabrieli 's two settings of ‘ O Jesu mi dulcissime ’ : in his First Book of Sacrae Symphoniae ( 1597 ) and in his Second Book ( posthumously published in 1615 ) .
2 Just how great the change has been is perhaps best illustrated by reference to the number of daily commuters into London .
3 It should be self-evident , therefore , that where individual behaviour can be so extensively influenced by conformity to the standards of the social groups that make up our community and its social strata , then there will be major implications for the marketer .
4 A general textbook on the law of tort is no place for an extended discussion of the specialised law relating to trade disputes but those disputes have provided most of the ‘ raw material ’ for the development of the common law and their legal regulation has been so substantially modified by statute since 1906 that some account of the legislative intervention is necessary .
5 I still occasional refer to these especially when I need a ‘ refresher ’ so well expressed by Veal in his unique manner .
6 ’ Tom , therefore , had to pass through various stages of purification , in which water is the essential element , before he can be reunited in heaven with Ellie , the well-brought-up little girl , into those bedroom in Harthover House he had so unceremoniously descended by way of the chimney .
7 And indeed , even discounting the role so evidently played by nostalgia in Hume 's thinking , it was true that the administration of India , beginning with the viceroyalty of John Lawrence , had become steadily more centralized and more detached .
8 Note that this keyword is normally only entered by LIFESPAN as part of the approval process .
9 At this stage it operates largely in the unconscious but it is soon partly modified by exposure to reality , that part becoming the ego .
10 Today , it seems , domestic development is much more effectively promoted by integration in a world economy : accepting foreign capital into the domestic economy , with production specialized for a world market ( and relying upon imports ) .
11 The distinction is more clearly seen by analogy with breathing and eating : both are instinctive — yet , whilst nobody shows us how to breathe , learning to take sustenance is more problematic .
12 Stephen Gould , in his excellent essay on The Pan da " s Thumb , has made the point that evolution can be more strongly supported by evidence of telling imperfections than by evidence of perfection .
13 Blood pressure in children and adults is more strongly predicted by thinness at birth and a high ratio of placental weight to birth weight than by birth weight alone .
14 Terror , counter-terror , torture , and the absolute necessity of violence ( later much more clumsily explored by Leone in A Fistful Of Dynamite ) are relentlessly portrayed , all to Ennio Morricone 's least flowery score ever .
15 Probably more so in fact , for all organisms are more seriously threatened by competition from their own species than from others .
16 In such cases , improvement of coronary blood flow may sometimes be most practically achieved by use of either balloon or laser angioplasty or atherectomy .
17 Biology , like the other sciences , is partly studied in a laboratory but also partly studied by observation in the world about you .
18 With new acts , a brief biography is also often included by way of introduction .
19 Physiologically this channel though , rather than being activated by inositol one four five trisphosphate this channel is probably primarily activated by voltage by in other words by membrane depolarization .
20 So far much hampered by lack of money and staff about 1.5 million catalogue entries have been completed and 2,665,000 photographs produced .
21 Choice of research methods is often decisively affected by choice of topic , and the amount of time , money , and work hours available .
22 Encouraged by the long minority of the new Stadtholder it helped to influence Dutch policy in a pro-French and anti-British direction during the Seven Years War ( the Orange family , now closely associated by marriage with that of Hanover , was generally pro-British in outlook ) .
23 Formulae are often heavily constrained by lack of available data at the Local Authority level , which could be remedied at some cost through the ‘ Resource Allocation Survey ’ which is later advocated .
24 The ideological bankruptcy of the Communists is perhaps most graphically conveyed by quotation of a comment by Soviet Latin Americanist Anatoli Shul'govskii to the effect that in 1945 the Mexican Communist party had a ‘ Marxist ’ ideology comparable to the ‘ legal Marxism ’ of tsarist Russia ( Löwy : 1982 , p. 37 ) .
25 Consciousness appears to be almost wholly dominated by language as the medium of thought and expression , so that the entire surface of cognitive processes and voluntary responses appears to be channelled through language .
26 They are almost entirely produced by damage to peripheral nerves or to roots or to the central nervous system .
27 In Nephila , increased male mortality during the adult search phase is almost exactly counteracted by reduction in juvenile male growth stages .
28 The main source for the history of Jacobitism is the Stuart papers , but they have survived only in part for the period before 1715 , since the Stuart papers kept at the Scots College in Paris were almost totally destroyed by fire during the French Revolution .
29 For this they were peculiarly well suited by reason of their durability , portability , uniformity and ease of recognition ; Cowries probably came into use as currency as early as the Shang dynasty .
30 The usual order is judgment for arrears of rent to date of termination of the tenancy , and for mesne profits to date of hearing and thereafter mesne profits at a daily rate and ( almost invariably calculated by reference to the rent ) from the date of hearing until actual possession is given up .
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