Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The next issue will hit your desks in October ( 1993 I hope ) so please put pen to paper , fingers to keyboard ( but not tipp-ex to screen I beg you ) , and get your scribblings in to the publishing team by early September ( exact date will be given soon ) .
2 A decade after the end of the first post-war period in Britain ( that is , during the sharp oil price rise mentioned above ) social mobility was characterized both by heightening opportunities of rising socially , as well as increased risks of being caught in a downward spiral — particularly for those of working-class origin , who are among those who most easily fall prey to recruitment into the underclass .
3 Due to the difficulties of achieving fast even concentrations of gas in such large congested volumes , their adverse effect on human beings , and ineffectiveness on rapidly developing deep- seated carbonaceous fires , and halon systems will normally only have application to parts of the ancillary accommodation such as computer suites .
4 In short , the probability is that women will more often gain access to heroin through a male , frequently via a ‘ romantic relationship ’ , than any other social route .
5 Charlie found he was continually spitting out mud and once even came face to face with a German who could n't blink .
6 Li also pointedly gave support to leftist agricultural policies reportedly opposed by Deng , endorsing collective service networks and ideological education campaigns in rural areas .
7 The British Library is now gradually coming face to face also with another side of the electronic revolution : the question of how to acquire , preserve and make available unpublished research materials which happen to have been produced in electronic form .
8 MINSK ( Reuter ) — A thousand people packed the main Catholic church here yesterday to pay tribute to victims of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster , a day after an unprecedented protest march through the city .
9 GPs are not simply there to give help to people when they are ill .
10 GPs are not simply there to give help to people when they are ill .
11 On the basis of this review , we have decided that we shall no longer accord recognition to governments .
12 THOSE keen environmentalists , Richard Branson and Sir James Goldsmith , are no longer seeing eye to eye .
13 In recent months a good deal of concern has been expressed about students no longer having access to benefits over the summer vacation .
14 I no longer dared talk to trees .
15 And he established the principle that any decision which drew on the contingency reserve of public money should go to full Cabinet and not be taken in Cabinet committee , where the Chancellor and the Chief Secretary could all too easily fall prey to ambushes set by cabals of spending ministers .
16 Many people had worked on the paper for twenty years , and never once come face to face with the Editor .
17 She never once gave way to despair or sentimentality .
18 However , regardless of views about the benefits of legislation ( and this remains , as we shall see , a matter of some controversy ) , the evidence in the 1980s was that simply leaving action to employers had left older workers in an exposed and vulnerable situation .
19 This special pleading is , no doubt , partly emotional but it might very well include reference to children 's lack of knowledge and understanding .
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