Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 So just keeping on the same sort of subject , of sex , drugs and ,
2 Much more appears in the same vein ; but Temple is at his most eloquent in describing the qualifications of the successful Resident .
3 I shall argue that the psychological arrow is determined by the thermodynamic arrow , and that these two arrows necessarily always point in the same direction .
4 The astonished reptile released its grip just long enough for Laba to break free and stagger off down the track — with the serpent in hot pursuit apparently loudly vocalizing with the same sibilant barks which we were later to hear ourselves while filming a python hunt .
5 Although individual client executives tend to favour dealing with known consultants , if those consultants leave their firms , they are not necessarily then seen in the same light , or as having the same resources at their disposal .
6 Venus is much smaller , but nevertheless still has about the same mass as the Earth .
7 Businesses , house buyers and so forth also compete for the same space , the strongest ( i.e. those who can offer the highest price ) eventually gaining the most favourable positions .
8 She 's probably still living in the same house , still teaching , still struggling with the Marmite and the Spinoza .
9 Firstly , a young horse may not have formed a habit of accepting things as they are and automatically always behaving in the same way .
10 They are nearly always the same people and they nearly always sit in the same places .
11 Not only had most manorial demesnes been let to farm well before the beginning of the Tudor epoch , small freeholds and customary tenements were also regularly managed in the same fashion — indeed , they must frequently have been treated as investments .
12 The functions which can later be distinguished as those of ‘ priest ’ , ‘ prophet ’ or ‘ bard ’ — and in more modern terms ‘ historian ’ or even ‘ scientist ’ — were often originally exercised by the same individuals or groups of individuals .
13 The UK confidential incident reporting system , known as CHIRP , is now well established along the same lines as the NASA system , which is known as ASRS , and they are both regarded by their respective regulating authorities as a success .
14 This plant with flowers of yellow white , pink and red , often striped or even differently coloured on the same plant , grew out of the walls , and in cracks between the cobbles of the streets .
15 Face first : there was a grey swelling over my left eye , and my rug was quite badly singed on the same side .
16 Where there are dramatic differences of incidence for different groups , where the social pattern investigated is simplex ( for example , class difference only ) , and where the differences virtually always tend in the same direction , it is often unnecessary to test for significance , because the patterns revealed are so clear that no one could believe they are the results of pure chance .
17 In 90 per cent of the incidents , the victims were horses , almost always assaulted in the same way .
18 The case quite clearly pulls upon the same set of socially constructed fears that Hall and his colleagues analyse as the creation of the black mugger in Policing the Crisis .
19 Both were itinerants and masterless men , sometimes both subjected to the same vagrancy laws ( alternatively the player might be a royal servant — an interesting opposition in itself ) .
20 Of course , in making my selection I am almost certainly falling into the same trap as those nineteenth-century scientists who thought that the anomalous orbit of Mercury was interesting but , in essence , a matter of little concern .
21 However , they no longer act in the same way .
22 ‘ It is feared that Hungary and Romania will no longer sit on the same side of the negotiation table in Vienna , ’ he said .
23 The skin was discoloured and quite swollen , but the burning sensation had eased and his whole hand no longer throbbed with the same intense pain .
24 The Star Eye she had joined at Beltagne would soon no longer exist in the same form , she was sure .
25 Although there was n't a separation announcement , we were told that the Prince and Princess of Wales would no longer live under the same roof .
26 She was entranced by the shimmering purity of the snow , drawn by it , yet faintly intimidated at the same time , aware of her own lack of importance in the face of all this glory .
27 The White House is carefully holding some tax increases — on drink and tobacco , for example — until the sum is done , and this year 's medical price freeze will most likely go to the same account .
28 This strangeness will very quickly pass in the same way as a capped tooth or new filling feels peculiar after a visit to the dentist yet , after a couple of days , we do not even notice it any more .
29 They are certainly both motivated by the same united Arab nationalism , as well as a move towards social reorganisation described as socialist .
30 With a mortgage , you have to run very fast to stay in the same place — like the Red queen .
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