Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [be] [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Here it is hoped that pupils will learn to realise that there are difficulties involved in growing up and taking responsibilities for their own decisions .
32 This argument takes one of two forms depending upon the outlook of its proponent : either it is said that Europe must look to her own defence as a consequence of the American disengagement ; alternatively it is argued that Europe ought in principle to defend herself , so as to speed the departure of the US troops and be free of American ‘ domination ’ .
33 Then I was told that girls were being taken on the railways so I had to go to Ipswich and take two more exams and started work as a booking clerk at Needham Station when I was sixteen .
34 But earlier you were saying that women who come to Oxford are tough cookies .
35 And indeed we 're seeing that work coming through at the moment .
36 Everywhere they were informed that treaty revision negotiation was premature .
37 If this cycle obtains , then it is argued that government is controlled , and public policy is congruent with the wishes of the majority of the electorate for most of the time .
38 Provided that labour and capital are perfectly mobile , that factors of production are fully employed and that there exists free competition , then it is argued that market forces will ensure the removal of spatial disparities .
39 Then it is said that court time will be taken up by considering a mass of Parliamentary material and long arguments about its significance , thereby increasing the expense of litigation .
40 If a method can be devised of enabling employees to acquire and sell shares in an unquoted company , and benefit from the increase in value of those shares over the employee 's period of ownership , then it is perceived that employees will wish to participate in the share capital and growth of their employing company and will be motivated to work to increase the value of the business .
41 Because gene frequencies are generally presumed to change in phylogeny , then it is suggested that genes must be doing the real work in ontogeny .
42 Then it was arranged that Hoare should on the way spend a day or so in Paris talking to Laval , who was temporarily Prime Minister as well as Foreign Minister of France .
43 Then it was discovered that birds such as pigeons and swifts have difficulty navigating if their sense of smell is damaged .
44 Then it was rumoured that Haj Amin al-Husseini , the Grand Mufti , was travelling from his postwar sanctuary in Lebanon to Acre and there was an ambush at Insherah on the bus believed to be carrying him .
45 Then it was agreed that Mrs Kemp would deal with all new cases .
46 By then it was agreed that Karen would do temporary work until she came to Hillmarden House in November .
47 This argument takes one of two forms depending upon the outlook of its proponent : either it is said that Europe must look to her own defence as a consequence of the American disengagement ; alternatively it is argued that Europe ought in principle to defend herself , so as to speed the departure of the US troops and be free of American ‘ domination ’ .
48 Recently it was believed that morale had declined and that only firm Soviet and North Korean police rule was preventing defections .
49 Until recently it was reckoned that men and women on average had sex with 6 different people in their lifetime .
50 Occasionally it was conceded that New York had elements of sophistication but it was widely appreciated that film tastes and standards were determined in the populous and philistine Midwest .
51 It is also recognised that having a single contact person within the Exchequer Division to deal with travel agents is good practice and therefore it is suggested that Carole Ann Johnston , Admin Assistant arrange all travel and overnight accommodation when required .
52 Therefore it was supposed that payments practices , and other institutional arrangements which change only slowly over time , have more influence on the velocity of circulation than any temporary changes in M. Before the First World War there may have been a good deal of truth in this assumption because the financial system was relatively unsophisticated and financial innovation was taking place very slowly by today 's standards .
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