Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] and [verb] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had to be told which character was Chaplin ; he was so old and looked nothing like the silent comic I knew so well .
2 Mum had been so kind and prepared lots of meals for us all so there was n't much in the kitchen to be done at the time .
3 She was utterly incredulous and said something like : ‘ The King dead ?
4 When the firemen finally arrived I pointed at the sacrificial pyre still burning and burbled something about my priceless slide-collection .
5 Horsley passed the test and went off to see Thornton , who was still simmering and had nothing but dire warnings for him .
6 It was perfectly featureless and reflected none of the light which was being directed on to its surface .
7 Towards the front of the hall , which was coldly functional and had none of the baroque charm of Blackpool 's Winter Gardens , sat a group of Young Conservatives , their tattooed arms hidden beneath designer jackets .
8 ‘ Everyone should be particularly vigilant and report anything of a suspicious nature immediately , no matter how trivial it may appear to be , ’ said Beardall .
9 Mooning around knowing it was all quite hopeless and getting lots of good creative material from the experience .
10 ‘ He was very likeable and had lots of friends .
11 Suppose , for example , Bill is very forthcoming and has lots of ideas on possible criteria .
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