Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] with [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Interestingly no-one — to my knowledge — has found specimens anything like this big in the wild ; obviously it must have the potential for such sizes , but perhaps Nature is less generous with the rations that is the average hobbyist .
2 Anne Smith was there to judge the competition and was so impressed with the winners that we are featuring them in our magazine ; two this month , three in September and the final one in October .
3 These problems figure much more prominently in the Rutter and Jones book , and quite rightly : Wilson takes the answers for granted , and hence is much less impressed with the difficulties and complexities of the scientific search for an answer .
4 They were much less concerned with the details or wider context of future activities , and much more interested in trying out ideas in practice before moving on to further planning .
5 Similarly , chapters 5 and 6 will also be largely concerned with the analyses that finance theorists , modellers and accountants might make .
6 We have all heard the phrase ‘ paralysis by analysis ’ , and it is depressingly easy to analyse to greater and greater degrees of minutiae , becoming ever more dissatisfied with the conclusions that you are forming , until eventually you decide that there is not sufficient data to take any action at all .
7 Their programme may , however , may prove more popular with the voters than with the foreign-exchange markets .
8 She did n't seem interested ; she had been ill while he was away , and spent most of the day in her chair , listening to the radio , more involved with the programmes than in what he was doing .
9 He was more involved with the businesses and the actual mergers than Mr Milken ever was , but not necessarily to the good .
10 Traffic-calming techniques are meant to encourage a driving style that is more concerned with the surroundings and , as a result , lower speed limits can be introduced .
11 The present section is more concerned with the facts and figures of PNP INSET between 1985 and 1989 .
12 Later , when I was more familiar with the beliefs and practices of the movement and had ‘ learned the language ’ , I would interact with the Moonies as though I were one of them , and , although I never pretended that I accepted their beliefs or that I was anything other than a sociologist studying the movement , members who did not know me would mistake me for a member — the Moonies themselves were no longer ‘ translating ’ for me when we were interacting .
13 With the benefit of hindsight er could the tornado programme have been made more efficient with the lessons that you 've learnt so far , er from er Eurofighter an and secondly , perhaps more difficult , er the lessons you have learned from tornado and certainly from the current project , could they be transferred to other complicated collaborative er project , programmes like cobra and ?
14 Headship is only a tool and one that is used sensitively and less frequently as the goal of oneness nears ( although there are always some who are more enamoured with the tools than the results ) .
15 John Crix of Sale has been more aggressive with the dogs that frequent his local canal towpath .
16 Right , yes I shall happy to convey to the moderator that Synod was er totally satisfied with the reports that are here before me and give them one hundred percent support in the work .
17 The association with Lancashire lasted until 1986 and was always a happy one , for he was enormously popular with the fans and with his team-mates .
18 As further examples of postverbals we may cite : ( 50 ) Lola felt angry ( 51 ) the victim was standing very erect ( 52 ) it was the oldest competitor who emerged victorious As was also true with the adverbals and predicate qualifiers , it is quite easy to distinguish postverbal adjectives from adverbs occupying the same structural position ; in some examples we find a substantial difference of meaning : ( 53 ) Margaret was acting incompetently ( 54 ) Margaret was acting incompetent ( See Ferris , 1983 , though we would no longer seek to explain the data in the way proposed there . )
19 The research was predominantly concerned with the opinions and actions of LEA central staff , administrators , advisers and what have been called ‘ professional development teachers ’ .
20 And , when we see terms such as ‘ social problem ’ or ‘ criminal ’ , we need to ask ‘ who defines these terms ? ’ , and to be as concerned with the actions and motives of the labellers as those who are labelled .
21 I was as pleased with the sights and sounds of my day — treasured memories .
22 Commonly the prescriber will be fairly familiar with the remedies and will ‘ just know ’ the remedy as the case is taken or may only need to look up one or two symptoms to confirm the remedy .
23 I was particularly impressed with the comments that Mike was making about organization makes to charity which it does n't acknowledge , it does n't sort of er seek to publicize erm but I wish
24 I 've been particularly impressed with the officials and executives and workers that I 've met .
25 In any case , as the statement of our objectives in the last section shows , we were particularly concerned with the processes and practices by which the project was implemented and enacted .
26 He was well pleased with the fruits that his Technique bore at the school .
27 Her first work , The Warning [ 1805 ] , opposes war : ‘ multitudes , equally unacquainted with the origins and the object , are always eager to rush to the standard of blood . ’
28 Auntie Muriel has old-fashioned ideas about what 's ‘ natural- , everything should be natural , which is pretty stupid when you think where she lives , Anyway , she was quite content with the weeds and the gummed-up filters .
29 This chapter is chiefly concerned with the steps that may be taken to achieve a reconciliation between the theory and the practicalities of everyday business life .
30 While I am not denigrating individual interpreters working for the immigration service or the Home Office , many of whom work extremely hard and do a very good job , it is essential that those seeking political asylum have an absolute guarantee that the person doing the translating is independent , is fully aware of the importance of an asylum application , is fully familiar with the cases and is somebody whose background has been inquired into to make sure that he or she is not in a position to infiltrate the immigration service and pass information back to the regime from which the individual may be fleeing , thus putting their family at risk .
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