Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is also worth pointing out that the ELR can field one of the most representative ranges of ex-Western motive power , as the steam fleet can be supplemented by ex-BR ( WR ) diesel-hydraulics ,
2 March 7th was one of the most momentous days in British sport during the last 50 years and , when our English team achieved the first back-to-back Grand Slam in almost 70 years , we are snatched away to watch highlights of Scotland v France .
3 Note how blacks are invested with vastly exaggerated powers of social combination whilst the ethnic majority are reduced to minority status — ‘ just our lot from the estate ’ .
4 When it is realized that of the fifteen largest corporations in the world in 1978 , three were car manufacturers , eight were oil companies , and one was in chemicals , it can be appreciated that the largest corporations within the most concentrated sections of international capital formation are committing more than their share of law violations .
5 He now receded from the City , rarely appearing at the exchanges , even the Baltic , the scene of his most memorable deals in Russian tallow .
6 This has been referred to as ‘ one of the most memorable examples of classic ballad-singing of all time . ’
7 His term as Mayor coincided with one of the most turbulent periods in English history .
8 It seems that existing residents have hardly benefited at all , as most jobs created have gone to those living outside the area , and most economic gains to international finance companies , property developers and construction companies ( see Goodwin , 1989 , for details ) .
9 Even if we admit that an element of calculation usually enters into racist practices , rather than blind hatred , it is clear that this model ignores the deeper reaches of the racist imagination , the structures of feeling and phantasy which are embedded in even the most rationalized forms of racist argument and action .
10 It is not so much the Western origin of new component technologies as their gestation in the West 's civilian sectors which must pose the most vexing questions for Soviet policy makers and their orthodoxies .
11 BARNHAM HALL was built at one of the most confusing periods of domestic architecture in England .
12 She has almost always travelled alone and has lived with very poor and very rich families , participating in the most private aspects of Arab family life .
13 The most far-reaching changes in social work , however , are likely to result from the implementation of the government 's proposals on community care .
14 For example , one of the most far-reaching subversions of narrative logic comes in Proust 's confusion of the singulative and the iterative modes .
15 These are very important staple solvents — for instance we use deuterochloroform for NMR and dichloromethane is one of the most widely used solvents in organic synthesis ’ .
16 The regard in which chiefs held their jade ornaments is shown by the way they stored them along with prized bird plumage in the elaborately carved wooden treasure boxes which rank among the most outstanding products of Maori art .
17 He beat Boris Becker , the defending champion and a player who had appeared to be relaxed and in comfortable form , and then he beat Emilio Sanchez in one of the most outstanding matches in recent history .
18 Persia is seen as the spiritual , if not actual , home of rug-making and its name has become synonymous with the finest and most outstanding achievements in oriental textile art .
19 Zahedi clearly had the Shah 's ear and often made policy suggestions outside the foreign-policy area , a tactic which resulted in rather strained relations with Prime Minister Hoveyda .
20 Others , in one of the most astounding forms of social behaviour , make slaves of a different kind of ant .
21 It was one of the most humiliating defeats in Olympic history , if not the most scandalous , since Bubka was rumoured to have been emasculated by the absence of his usual appearance money .
22 Focusing involves a speech community in establishing and adhering to rather narrow norms of linguistic behaviour , i.e. putting fairly strict limits on the range of acceptable forms .
23 While the anti-modernist purge put this process back a generation , it could not stop it re-emerging , especially in the most advanced areas of Catholic culture in northern Europe .
24 It was not known whether they would be the most advanced protagonists of environmental scanning , but for various reasons it was expected that they would have views about scanning and about the extent to which they wished to undertake formal environmental analysis .
25 Eagleton , for example , describes socialist realism as " one of the most devastating assaults on artistic culture ever witnessed in modern history " , and refers to its principal Soviet advocate , Zhdanov , as " Stalin 's cultural thug " . "
26 The overwhelming majority of victims are from the poorest , most disadvantaged sectors of Indian society — members of Scheduled Castes ( or Dalits ) and Scheduled Tribes ( or Adivasis ) , tribal people in the northeast of India , migrant workers , landless labourers and others who are poor and underprivileged .
27 For the first time population could increase with a declining grain price and a less than commensurate food output , subsisting on grain imports paid for by manufactures ; ‘ It is one of the most striking ironies of intellectual history that Malthus should have fashioned his analysis just at the time when it was about to cease to be applicable to the country in which he lived ’ ( Wrigley 1986 ) .
28 Swords were the rarest and most prestigious weapons in early Anglo-Saxon England ( Davidson 1962 ) .
29 Until then , make room in your record collection for ‘ I Am The Greatest ’ , one of the most cherishable pieces of black vinyl you could ever hope to own .
30 These features can be difficult to price ; even if mathematical models are prepared , pricing will still be sensitive to certain inputs to the model , most importantly subjective estimates of future volatility of financial variables such as the share price , interest rates or foreign exchange rates .
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