Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun pl] [am/are] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Four of the most frequently-used typologies are by Stamp , Pahl , Thorns and Ambrose .
2 We have already noted a connection between intermittent alcoholic mania and the growth of state power , and so it seems that these two apparently unrelated phenomena are in reality both part of the same process .
3 The apparent advantage of variance reduction is diminished if , as is much more often the case with surveys than with experiments , many somewhat disparate characteristics are under review rather than just a few correlated variables .
4 The most compelling numbers are for CO 2 emissions .
5 More detailed systems are in place in the larger firms than in smaller ones , as would be expected .
6 If the ‘ closed ’ style of management described above is already a problem in many schools , then there are a great many more where such a style might permeate the existing decision-making process once delegated budgets are in place .
7 Her more elaborate portraits are in oil , as her most outstanding recent commission , a portrait of the Queen with her dogs at Sandringham .
8 The less teaching experience they have had , the more positive teachers are about frankness and balance .
9 Yaakov Meshorer , Curator of Archaeology at the Israel Museum , where finds from the most important sites are on display , explained to The Art Newspaper that the greater number are from a Nabatean city at Qasrawet , twenty-five miles east of the Suez Canal , an Israelite city at Qadesh Barnea ( occupied until the end of the Judean Kingdom in 586 BC ) and an Israelite garrison of the ninth century BC at Kuntilet a-Jrud .
10 Top line personnel carry much more authority when really critical matters are at stake .
11 The poison injected is enough to kill any dog-sized animal , and even fully-grown humans are at risk , suffering intense pain .
12 Published histories of every town or village or suburb are in many cases non-existent , so frequently primary pupils are by necessity plunged into the world of do-it-yourself local history .
13 All of these decisions involve dilemmas in which equally important values are in conflict and however one resolves the dilemma , potential problems will arise .
14 It will come as no surprise to learn that the most expensive rages are in South-East England , where the highest are almost twice those of the cheapest in Wales .
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