Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [adv] [conj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The section on the chemistry of gasication is not so definitive partly because the temperature gradient , which varies according to fuel and gasifier design , affects both the position of chemical equilibria and the relative rates of different reactions within the gasifier but also because few experimental results are available for interpretation .
2 A majority of the United Kingdom workforce decided against strike action and the mood of the Glasgow workers was so clear yesterday that a vote did not have to be taken .
3 Furthermore , the process of converting names into dealing clients was time-consuming and costly , although it would have been far less economical still if the Department of Trade 's regulations had been properly adhered to .
4 Consider embedding the names of programmers or the company name within the program code ; this can be extremely useful evidentially if a software pirate denies copying .
5 So powerful indeed that the emperor had him killed .
6 Thus it is highly unlikely either that a course will be designed that is universally acclaimed as the definitive model for all courses or that any one teacher will find the perfect course that suits the needs of his students , his own personality and his own approach to language teaching , but he can change or adapt it as he sees fit .
7 Rommetveit argues that the sentence is not necessarily self-contradictory even if the individual referred to by the two nominal expressions is the same individual .
8 Also there are many binaries in which the components are so close together that no telescope will separate them , and they betray their true nature only by means of the spectroscope .
9 Rather than by using the fist , the greatest volume is attained more easily and also more beautifully by placing the notes so close together that the ear hears no space between them .
10 Oh possibly again i it 's just possible actually that the construction of the bungalow did n't lend itself properly well to knocking through .
11 It is little wonder therefore that the failure by the SGA 1979 to reconcile " property " and " title " have been criticised in a Scottish context .
12 The virginia creeper was a little more luxuriant perhaps and the wood-work had been newly painted and was whiter than she remembered .
13 But as the girl in the post office said erm it 's usually different here than the weather forecast which is probably is , the gulf stream
14 ‘ Music seems to be getting more expressive now and a bit more rocky .
15 This was a new definition of poor — a depth of misery more nauseating even that the stink that still rose from my stained boots .
16 Such matters are to a great extent determined conventionally by syntax , and become noticeably expressive only when a writer makes a graphological choice which is to some degree marked or unconventional , such as a deliberate misspelling .
17 The prohibition of cannabis is no more effective now than the prohibition of alcohol has been in the past .
18 But the economist added : ‘ Our analysis are much more negative even than the samizdat literature .
19 It 's permanently overcast , with frequent squalls of rain that burns like acid , more deadly even than the stuff that history says helped to kill Old Earth .
20 More powerful even than the scent of newly-mowed grass or flickering glimpses of sky was the scent of my mother in her peach halter , her back slender and white , and the forever-ish trickly sound of her high giggle , the giggle of delight and fresh sloping green hills .
21 ‘ My apologies to Attila , ’ Clemenceau once said , ‘ but the art of arranging how men are to live is more complex even than the art of massacring them . ’
22 But as far as the Birmingham 18-year-old was concerned , securing his place in Britain 's European championship squad was more important either than the record or his victory in the Mycil ASA national championship final .
23 There were several weak points in this critique and perhaps at the very least it can be argued that foreign films with social themes always appear to be more realistic merely because the subject-matter and personnel are new .
24 The information is also available confidentially and the risk has ended of starting unfounded rumours by initiating enquiries from line management which might be misinterpreted .
25 It is also relevant here that the story of the weeping bitch was a widely known one , albeit in moralized versions , as an exemplum , rather than simply as a fabliau .
26 The floor sloped slightly and the pews , which held 2,500 , were slightly curved so that the preacher ‘ can be seen from every part of the building ’ .
27 In other cases early appointment is clearly desirable so that the guardian can attend the first directions appointment .
28 Indeed , Ulpian puts the case of a seller of a female slave who knowingly allows the buyer to believe that she is a virgin when she is not ( D. ) , a defect which is treated as being strictly liable so that the buyer can return the slave .
29 Such an expectation would be unreasonable with container ships or with general cargo vessels , where hundreds of bills of lading may have to be issued , and the issuance of final documentation is often possible only after the vessel has departed from the place of shipment .
30 However , self-build schemes are really possible only where a number of energetic persons , usually young , coincide .
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