Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [vb pp] by the [num] " in BNC.

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1 Commercial agencies for the establishment of surrogacy have since been outlawed by the 1985 Surrogacy Arrangements Act ( M. D. A. Freeman in Current Legal Problems , 1986 ) .
2 The two countries had yet to finalize a peace treaty formally ending the conflict which had effectively been halted by the 1988 ceasefire agreement [ see pp. 36568-69 ] .
3 An agreement will only be regulated by the 1974 Act if it is not exempt .
4 The declaration made clear that the Union Treaty need only be signed by the nine republics which were party to the Novoye Ogarevo meeting .
5 She heard voices as soon as she opened the glass-panelled door , and had already been warned by the four cups that Faye 's husband must be home .
6 Roe v. Wade had already been weakened by the 1989 Webster v. Reproductive Services ruling [ see pp. 36809-10 ] , which had allowed individual states greater latitude in restricting access to abortion .
7 We still grow some of the varieties listed a hundred years ago many of which had already been improved by the 1890s , some favourites like ‘ White Lisbon ’ spring onions and ‘ Scarlet Globe ’ and ‘ French Breakfast ’ radishes were also established .
8 A point of contrast a century and a half later is provided by the 1671 hearth tax return , by which time the seventy householders had grown to 122 .
9 ( It has now been superseded by the 1975 Media programs , district and school . )
10 The impact will not immediately be felt by the millions of borrowers on semi-fixed mortgages , whose rates are changed only once a year .
11 The memorandum should then be authorised by the three further partners .
12 Several weeks before reunification , Bundeswehr units started taking over former NVA bases and re-training NVA soldiers , before quietly slipping into West Berlin , from where they had previously been banned by the 1969 Four Power agreement .
13 Samples taken of this carbonaceous layer more than four miles inland were dated by the carbon-14 content and proved to be about 4000 years old ( figure 6.2 ) .
14 Spaak himself feared that the post-Messina negotiations might fail ; to avoid this he urged Britain to join in the negotiations currently being conducted by the Six .
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