Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [vb pp] [that] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As for the second , it has long been recognised that successful institutions are distinguished by clear aims .
2 Thirdly , it has long been recognised that written documents produced in the past often have a special quality , which is not possessed by school textbooks or the writings of later historians .
3 It has long been recognized that five factors control the nature of soil development : climate , parent material , topoy , organic activity and time .
4 It has long been known that skilled smallholders , owning their own plots of land , can produce very much more from an acre than large-scale farmers with labourers who can not possibly have the same dedication .
5 It had long been known that some metals gave colours to flames ; but this was an unreliable test , because colours are hard to describe exactly , and because they are usually masked by a brilliant orange-yellow .
6 But it should perhaps be said that amateur boxers often avoid the excesses and the injuries of their professional colleagues , and the likes of Dick MacTaggart is a monument to sportsmanlike behaviour .
7 In a sense that has long been the case , since it has generally been supposed that turbulent flows are contained within a deterministic set of equations — the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations .
8 It has already been observed that male compositors had virtually boycotted the machines at first .
9 It has already been noted that most models have a view of politicians as people who follow overly narrow self-interested behaviour to the detriment of interests of the electorate and presumably their own long-run reputations .
10 It has already been noted that obstructive attitudes can prevent progress in therapy , and that such attitudes can usually be identified by carefully analysing the patient 's attempts to achieve goals and the reason for failure .
11 It has already been remarked that corresponding developments occur at lower Rayleigh number when the Prandtl number is lower .
12 It has already been suggested that informal methods of dispute-resolution in the family arena are not new , nor are they alternatives to legal regulation .
13 This is not to suggest that life in a large mental handicap hospital is a fulfilling experience ; on the contrary , it has already been established that such places should not ideally exist and do not represent a suitable home for mentally handicapped people .
14 Gazza reacted angrily as he explained : ‘ I 've just been told that English journalists are saying that I threw my bib down because Zoff said I was out of the side .
15 It can scarcely be claimed that these questions have yet been answered in such a manner as to transform Marx 's very general model into a systematic and well-supported theory of historical development .
16 ‘ By the beginning of 1960 ’ , he wrote , ‘ it could no longer be denied that certain parts of London at night were dominated by a new spirit of insecurity ’ : ‘ juvenile delinquency had for the first time in Britain become elevated to the status of a national problem ’ .
17 Nonetheless , a substantial degree of agreement has been achieved , not only between different demographic groups , but also between the whole range of approaches , intuitive , statistical and personal preference ( Briggs and France , 1980 ) and it can generally be concluded that good landscapes will have substantial relative relief , a major water body , diverse land use , and some historical artifacts , but will lack modern industry and major transport facilities .
18 Using sensitive earthquake-detecting instruments ( seismographs or seismometers ) , it is possible to pin down quite precisely the sites where the shock waves originate in this region , and it can easily be shown that these sites are confined to a narrow belt which dips steeply down under the continental margin at about 60 degrees , and which hits the surface just where the ocean is deepest , in the Chile-Peru Trench .
19 For all his reverence for Hugh of Lincoln Richard had always been determined that other bishops should not be like him .
20 ’ We have no policy on single-sex swimming , as it has never been an issue before and it has always been assumed that all children would swim together . ’
21 Until recently it had always been assumed that all calories are the same , regardless of where they came from .
22 Capping entitlements has never been popular , mainly because it has always been assumed that social-security recipients ( old-age pensioners ) would be hardest hit .
23 However , it could still be argued that biological inequalities , no matter how small , provide the foundation upon which structures of social inequality are built .
24 Equally important , it must always be emphasised that all approaches , here as elsewhere , are underpinned by a series of ideological assumptions and arguments .
25 It has also been argued that green belts have been used as instruments of preservation rather than conservation , and that insufficient attention has been devoted to positive planning , and to provision for recreational use .
26 It has also been said that private companies can be enticed into investment in eastern Europe , as in the deal whereby BSN of France and Nestle of Switzerland bought a stake in Czech confectioner Chakoladnovy .
27 It has also been said that such activities can help to raise the general level of energy of members of the household , the depletion of which may often show itself as a succession of minor illnesses .
28 It had also been reported that 37 prisoners in the Central Prison at Kenitra ( 50 km from Rabat ) took part in a 24-hour hunger strike on Dec. 10 , 1988 , in protest against prison conditions and alleged repression of prisoners ' families .
29 It has also been found that unanticipated events and changes are more likely to precipitate a relapse of schizophrenia than events for which the person is prepared .
30 But it should also be said that some elements of this description of mine could be taken to characterise the activity , sometimes ominous enough in its human implications , of all imaginative writers , however remote they may be from the dualistic confederacy .
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