Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A huge area has since been cleared for the construction of flyovers , underpasses , multi-lane carriageways and slip roads , with forlorn office blocks and high rise flats standing around them , either waiting to be demolished or recently erected .
2 The main stumbling block had been the appointment of its chair [ see pp. 37712 ; 37777 ; 37858 ] , a problem temporarily resolved on Dec. 11 when Prince Norodom Sihanouk , who had hitherto been pressing for the chairmanship , called on the SNC to " stop talking about the chairmanship and vice-chairmanship … and have the 12 SNC members , on an equal footing , work for peace " .
3 True to the philosophy behind the series , the new titles have all been chosen for the quality of the writing and because they provide the satisfaction of a ‘ good read ’ .
4 September is the month when most of the new courses begin so be prepared for the enrolment days at your local college as they will be coming up soon .
5 With the verbal arts I think it can only be done for the moment by writing about nature .
6 For the players of Torpedo Moscow will not only be fighting for the honour of becoming the first side to beat Manchester United in a European tie at Old Trafford .
7 There is a vigorous defence of Coleman by Mayer : ‘ The energies of Coleman 's mind were more exclusively devoted to anything bearing upon the horse : and no wonder , for the College , constructed as it was and is , can only be adapted for the reception of that animal .
8 Her cosmic vision prophesied that as the race evolved intercourse would only be practised for the purpose of reproduction , and then only at carefully spaced intervals under women 's direction .
9 Rather , as was pointed out in Makanjuola v. Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis , it is intended to reassure informants that their statements will only be used for the investigation of complaints and for such criminal or disciplinary proceedings as directly follow .
10 The court stated obiter that there is no reason why a section 2(2) notice should not be issued to the applicant after he had been charged , but this statement was accompanied by the clear and crucial corollary that the person who had been charged would have first to be cautioned and questions could only be put for the paragraph 16.5 purposes .
11 This option can be used to draw any design , but should not necessarily be used for the knitting .
12 Three motives can perhaps be identified for the creation of special agencies in Britain , although there are of course dangers in taking ostensible motives as real ones , to create an effective separate and accountable ‘ management system ’ to reduce political ‘ interference ’ and to provide for the direct representation of special interests .
13 THE sequel to Home Alone is set for the record books after pulling in £20 million in its first weekend .
14 A home has finally been found for the horse John Major was given as a birthday present eight months ago .
15 The problems noted above are intensified for the management of stock revision programmes ; these are carried out by staff who are either subject specialists or who have in the course of the stock revision acquired a good deal of knowledge about the subject literature — certainly more than the line manager .
16 Thus , when Ludendorff arrived at his new headquarters at Marienburg , orders had already been given for the mass of the Eighth Army to form a half-moon facing southeast , toward the centre of which' Samsonov , urged on by telegrams from Jilinski , was now marching his weary men .
17 Contracts had already been given for the erection of grandstands and a tented village .
18 It is also possible that seasonal meeting places had already been determined for the exchange of goods and people as well as social intercourse .
19 First approaches to Adult Education Authorities should have already been made for the Autumn term but it is still worth getting on their lists .
20 The trackbed within the Avon Valley has already been prepared for the relaying , with the ballast cleaned and put into piles ready for reuse .
21 Nevertheless , estimates had already been obtained for the provision of a nurses ' recreation room and tennis courts for the nursing staff .
22 It was getting quite late now , and the ward had already been darkened for the night .
23 Three hundred and eight pounds was for the ladies open , four hundred and twenty for the outing to , two hundred and twenty six had already been paid for the coach , plus all the prizes .
24 Mr Snoops arrives at the Hotel Bograte on 1 April and demands to stay in room 214 , which has already been let for the night to Mr and Mrs Bunn .
25 As regards any holidays which have already been booked for the period after 1 April 1993 these should be notified to your new supervisor to help avoid any problems occurring later in the year .
26 In July the Earls of Northampton , Oxford , Pembroke and Devon together with Sir Hugh Despenser , Sir Richard Talbot and Sir Richard Stafford took an army to the duchy and put Charles of Blois to flight at the battle of Morlaix on 30 September , while in October the king himself embarked for Brittany , aware that part of the duchy had already been regained for the Montfort cause .
27 Computers have already been mentioned for the holding of local information .
28 Mr Dowson , who is due to be married in June , said equipment worth more than £1,000 had already been bought for the programme .
29 It was n't an act of vanity , or even a professional kind of analysis ; it was more with the unease of a person who picks up something familiar and finds that , at some unrealised point in the recent past , it has somehow been exchanged for the property of a stranger .
30 ‘ Tommy , you 've just been cautioned for the murder of … ‘
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