Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You spoke about what was said in the brochure that management charges had been or would be running at about a rate of inflation , we can see it on page fifty six , it 's better if you look at it I think , rather than I parrot phrase , see fifty six if you so kind now see fifty six is talking about at Broadstone will the management charges greatly increase the answer is no management service , er , sorry has appointed U K leading management specialist for several reasons , firstly because of their professional caring attitude , secondly because time has shown that management charges , rises the rate either slightly below or at the levelled inflation when that brochure was produced in respect of that development was that statement true or was it not ?
2 Something inside me stretched as I walked so that at the same time I was walking on the top of those hills .
3 It certainly has a bearing , er it , it has a bearing in two directions , it causes price increases and cost increases at the same time for the producers , so that at the same time as there are price increases , increasing inflation , there is a reduction in production .
4 In theory , a wound ball with the maximum initial velocity allowable , 255 feet per second , at 65°F , will fly some 10 yards less than at the standard temperature .
5 For seventeen years Father Conlin had been closely involved in the educational provision of the Diocese , a far from easy task but one in which he achieved much and at the same time earned the respect and affection of Clergy , Governors and Teachers .
6 " Nowhere " , he wrote , is there so much and at the same time so little centralization as there is in Russia .
7 In a provocative comparison of the failures of the French and Russian revolutions , he argued that the problem stemmed from the fact that no class , whether proletarian or bourgeoisie , can become the ruling class without taking upon itself something of the historical role of a ruling class — especially if at the same time it also considers that , history carries within itself its own cure' :
8 ‘ Well , we can do something about that straightaway and at the same time keep you under observation .
9 In what he called ‘ a new architecture for a new era ’ , Mr Baker outlined closer co-operation between Western Europe and the US which would bind the West closer together while at the same time ‘ opening up the doors to the East ’ .
10 It 's an imaginary fox , yes and so when at the very end of the poem he says when he says the window is starless still the clock ticks the page is printed .
11 Where they tended to go wrong was at the micro rather than at the macro level : a mishandling of the relationship between parts rather than the parts themselves .
12 This will reduce Target 's profits that are subject to corporation tax to £100 , providing Target with an economic benefit of £33 ( assuming that it pays corporation tax at the full rate rather than at the small company 's rate under s13 ) .
13 He spoke on a radio programme on which Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley defended AIDS spending cuts , saying the campaign should now be aimed at ‘ groups most at risk ’ rather than at the wider population .
14 As a result , business was dictated by local tastes and tended to be conducted in the closing stages of the fair rather than at the private view , which used to be marked by dealers trading among themselves .
15 The difficulty here in handling the ( a ) variable following Labov 's model ( which assumes an underlying structural identity ) is that the ( a ) systems in RP and in Scottish English are embedded in structurally different phonologies ; as a consequence the range of realizations in Glasgow does not correspond in any simple way to the range in RP , where there is a distinction at the phonemic level between front and back / a / rather than at the subphonemic level as in Glasgow .
16 Even by 1926 party contacts between the capital and Smolensk were to remain mostly at the written rather than at the human level .
17 When a new issue of bonds is made , the Bank of England will set a minimum price somewhat below the £100 face value and then invite tenders for these bonds above or at the minimum price .
18 Follow a wall to a gate , turn right and at the bottom head west to the road .
19 They hatch very quickly and at the same time a new generation of workers and soldiers emerge from the stored pupae .
20 Noting that the conferences opening on Dec. 15 would " take due account of the opinions given by the European Parliament and by the Commission under Article 236 of the Treaty " , the Council confirmed that the work would proceed in parallel , should be concluded " rapidly and at the same time " , and that their results would be submitted for ratification with a view to this taking place before the end of 1992 .
21 It could still and at the same time be an anglicisation of ‘ Froda ’ , a name ‘ meaningless ’ to hobbits by the time of the War of the Ring , and accepted by them as just another chance disyllable like ‘ Bilba , Bunga , Pola ’ , but actually preserving in oblivion the name of an ancient hero from the Dale or the Mark .
22 A large mint such as operated under the Roman empire might well use more than one engraver , and consequently one may find more than one style of work in use contemporaneously and at the same place .
23 When the defender sees the attack coming , he steps back smartly and at the same time raises his hand to execute an inside block .
24 She suspected that some aspects of rural life would be lost for ever but at the same time she could see that much was gained .
25 A simple handle-sliding action secures the cooking position , the bell-shaped shield diffuses steam downwards and at the lightest touch , all pressure can be harmlessly released .
26 he pulls the attacker 's arm downwards and at the same time strikes upwards with a palm heel to the chin .
27 Therefore : ‘ If this replacement proceeds smoothly and at the same rate as the disappearance , we have a case of simple reproduction , which corresponds to a situation in which the productive social labour remains uniform , with the productive forces unchanging . ’
28 Another angle on psychological differences between blacks and whites is given by Worthy and Markle who argue that white sportsmen do better at self-paced activities , ‘ ones in which the individual responds , when he chooses , to a relatively static or unchanging stimulus ’ , whereas blacks have an edge in reactive activities , ‘ in which the individual must respond appropriately and at the right time to changes in the stimulus situation ’ ( 1970 ) .
29 Sales service teams in the UK and Ireland ensure that our on-trade draught equipment is operating efficiently and at the correct temperature so that the products can be served in the very best condition .
30 We wanted to organise the teachers effectively , to improve their lot economically while at the same time making a cultural contribution to the community ’ .
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