Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] he have been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 MUCH AS he has been donning the hornrimmed glasses and adopting his Clark Kent persona of late , Curtly Ambrose has few equals when it comes to persuading a cricket ball to move faster than a speeding bullet or leap tall batsmen in a single bound .
2 ‘ Words just ca n't express how I feel about the man who did this — especially as he had been drinking .
3 Especially as he has been getting a rough deal from some sections of the crowd .
4 Only when he 's been drinking he just — he — ’
5 so as he 'd been trying to get through it was always engaged .
6 I have been following with interest the Gardeners ' World programmes where Nigel Colborn had been designing a new garden , especially when he had been using plants for the shady corner .
7 And now you can ask I can sort of ask you questions on it like if he 's been travelling for let's say If he 's if he 's covered sixty miles how long has he been riding for ?
8 He 'd been working too hard in college , and even harder since he 'd been running the farm .
9 Uriah Colclough , who had seen an angel just like her once when he had been fasting on some religious occasion , thought so too .
10 I wished I could have felt any sort of advance enthusiasm , but I could n't have cared less if John had spent the week transforming the room into the Crystal Palace , or even if he 'd been laying everything waste with a meat-axe .
11 The plaintiff would have suffered the injuries even if he had been wearing a belt .
12 However these two bases are distinct and it is clear from Harman J 's judgment that even if he had been dealing with an express confidential information clause in an employment agreement he would have declined to have followed Faccenda .
13 He 'll never let you get away with anything in a ward even if he 's been pining with unrequited love for your aunt for God knows how many years . ’
14 There is no suggestion of possible error of self-doubt when World Bank missions meet a fifty-year-old permanent secretary in a Ministry of Finance , even if he has been receiving similar missions , offering rather different policy prescriptions , for the previous twenty years .
15 So he 'd been to the doctors about few weeks ago and he 'd been repairing his shed , said there was water coming in and he went to he said oh you 've pulled a ligament or something he said , it 'll take weeks for it to clear up but anyhow he went back again about a fortnight ago .
16 Ted was awake and out here because he 'd been hearing Wayne speaking to him , and he was worried about his sanity .
17 Even though he had been expecting it — hoping for it , really — he resented the interruption because it broke his chain of concentration .
18 Even though he 's been travelling around the world , he 's kept up with what 's going on back home .
19 In a conventional world , the Chancellor would simply roll his forecasts forward as he has been doing for the past two years now .
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