Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think so except for the relation to domestics .
2 So although for the majority of cases that a fatal as a result of diphtheria the fact that , due actually to the pharyngitis and the pseudo- membrane obstructing the respiratory passage .
3 The main line was not built beyond Lydham Heath , neither was this proposed second junction , so that for the whole of its feeble existence the railway retained the wrong junction here and every train in each direction had to make a highly inconvenient reversal at this point .
4 She and Sarah tried to arrange their dates for the same evenings , so that for the rest of the week they were free to go out together .
5 Trains had been laid on to despatch them to all parts of the country , so that for the rest of their lives they would be able to recall a few moments of honour , even glory .
6 The amount of time , officer time taken to process an application for a modification to an existing permission is still substantial and in some cases can be even more than that per a new proposal , but in those circumstances , and this is just by way of illustration because the the actual fee regime is , is very variable , by way of illustration the fee chargeable for a a , a modification is much less than for the application as a whole er f for , for the er er working as a whole .
7 In fact all ordinary telescopes would do so but for the addition of an extra lens-system to turn the image the right way up again .
8 Many women can ache for the love of a child more intensely than for the love of a man .
9 Nash argues that the position of women has deteriorated despite development activities because of the concentration on production for profit rather than for the welfare of the population in many Third World countries .
10 Which of these items do you think have been produced by Royal Mail mainly for collectors collectors rather than for the public at large ?
11 Teachers in the classroom are more likely to use miscue analysis for individual diagnosis rather than for the detection of broad developmental patterns .
12 What clearly frustrates him is that so much of the money now sloshing around in professional tennis , is being spent in damaging — or at least potentially damaging ways — rather than for the good of the game , as well as for the good of the individuals who are benefitting .
13 He should further refer to and reflect upon the continuous Labour search for excuses for crime rather than for the introduction of any sensible policies to deal with crime .
14 The contractor 's system should allow cost/value comparisons to be made for parts of the project rather than for the project as a whole .
15 Under the changes solicitors will receive a flat rate for each legal aid case rather than for the amount of time spent on individual cases .
16 Under the changes solicitors will receive a flat rate for each legal aid case rather than for the amount of time spent on individual cases .
17 Firms form regional alliances either generally or for the provision of specific services whether for clients or for the firms themselves .
18 Controlling on such long-term forces as the strength of partisanship in the electorate and regional differences in turnout and voting patterns , the influence of these categories of forces is examined for each type of parliamentary election separately and for the change between them .
19 On entering the dining room , Hope had manoeuvred himself next to Miss D'Arcy and given her to understand that he was overwhelmed at the self-control of her behaviour in the face of such insensitivity as that displayed by the over-enthusiastic Mrs Crump who , nevertheless and for the sake of harmony , had to be tolerated — if not forgiven .
20 More heavy showers are forecast for tonight and for the rest of the week .
21 In the words of Roger of Howden , " the young King , of his own accord and under no compulsion , laying his hands on the Holy Gospels in the presence of a large crowd of clerks and laymen , swore that from that day onward and for the rest of his life he would be loyal to King Henry , his father and his lord , and would serve him faithfully .
22 Her anger and resentment grew as she drove home and for the rest of that evening she found it difficult to get David Markham out of her mind .
23 Conversation at table is as superfluous as a sermon in church ; all is still but for the ping of the latest microwave masterpiece .
24 Now as for the difference between county and district , Mr 's point is a very very valid one .
26 However , the treasurer needs to know how much he will be borrowing not just today but for the rest of this week , the rest of this month and the rest of this year .
27 On the positive side CAMRA can point to the success of the independent brewers , many of whom would not exist today but for the interest in cask ale generated by the Campaign .
28 Today , with the designation ‘ moving headland ’ , Spurn Head is scheduled a Site of Special Scientific Interest , worthy of special treatment for its geophysical characteristics as well as for the diversity of its flora and fauna and its value to migratory birds .
29 Do n't forget that customers can be defined for each lower-order element of the model , as well as for the system as a whole .
30 Analysis of mice carrying mutant T-cell antigen receptor ( TCR ) genes indicates that TCR- β gene rearrangement or expression is critical for the differentiation of CD4 - CD8 - thymocytes to CD4 + CD8 + thymocytes , as well as for the expansion of the pool of CD4 + CD8 + cells .
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