Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb infin] [noun] [unc] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( 1988 ) and HMI ( DES 1990c ) , to reduce rather than enhance children 's learning , in some situations and in the hands of some teachers , at least .
2 Rather than match China 's firmness , it can be confidently predicted , the Hong Kong authorities will follow past form , cease muttering about their shock and horror over Tiananmen , and return to bland assurances that the negotiations with Peking about a post-1997 ‘ Basic Law ’ for Hong Kong are going well .
3 Rain was going to conceal her knowledge of his searches but Oliver bounced in with : ‘ Why did n't you ask rather than search Rain 's bag and car ? ’
4 This was the aporia detected by Merleau-Ponty : but rather than question Marxism 's truth , Sartre sought to remove its indetermination .
5 Ironically , these qualitative differences between men and women have actually been used to explain away and neglect women 's unemployment ; their unemployment is not perceived as a problem because it is not the same as men 's .
6 ‘ Boys , ’ I said , ‘ let's go ashore and find Flint 's treasure . ’
7 ‘ Ben Gunn , ’ they said , ‘ you can stay here and find Flint 's money .
8 Flashman may go ahead and appoint Fry 's successor without awaiting the conclusion of his talks with the consortium .
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