Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Owen laboured over the living , mending them as best he could , and over the dead , making them ready for burial , until he fell and lay like dead beside the last of them , but still conscious and aware , and Adam and some of those who had come with the priest to their aid carried him away and bedded him in quietness in one of the cottages .
2 And then she abruptly pulled away and held him at arm 's length .
3 Perhaps it made for a safer relationship if , instead of arguing to a standstill , the party who felt herself misunderstood took her grievance elsewhere and satiated it in transgression .
4 Syl 's mother disapproved of this most bitterly and rebuked me for waste .
5 She managed eventually and patted it in place .
6 Bobby bought it yesterday and lent it to dad cos we bought we bought ourself , well Rob , dad did , I do n't look at them erm they 're too violent for me but dad bought it in Superkey only five ninety nine .
7 And then one day he 'd come home early and found her in bed with someone else .
8 If this were not the case and F t < E ( S T ) , a trader who bought a futures contract now and held it to delivery would , on average , make a profit of E ( S T ) - F t .
9 Similarly , if F t > E ( S T ) a trader who sold a futures contract now and held it to delivery would expect to make a profit of F t - E ( S T ) .
10 She almost hisses , and Xanthe and Miranda understand this word because one of Miranda 's special treasures , which she keeps in her treasure drawer under lock and key , but has shown Xanthe in a moment of love , is a figure of Jesus on the cross which glows greeny-white under the bedclothes if you 've shone a torch on it beforehand and saturated it with light .
11 During this fabulous weekend , we cut out our material , linings and so on and prepared them for sewing .
12 But it was something else that filled us with terror .
13 Then Harriet turned , carried the little girl upstairs and put her to bed .
14 The rest of you , help to carry the boy upstairs and put him to bed .
15 Every morning I drove him to the hospital , waited for his X-ray treatment , drove him home again and helped him to bed .
16 She commanded Rune 's gaze briefly and dismissed it with disdain .
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