Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] went [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I suppose while this is for me cos on the sponsorship issue is , would sponsorship have any impact in terms of what I might purchase so if I went to the Scottish Opera or the ballet or to the theatre and I bought a programme which I usually do and one of the things which is interesting about the evening that erm Alan and I spent last time at Scottish Council was that half the people attend Scottish Opera buy a programme and the programmes that I have sponsored always .
2 She got in the bed to watch Neighbours and we came back about five o'clock and I went up the stairs , the T V was and he was erm out for count , so I left them for another hour and I said to mum
3 Sweetheart , I told Mother I was falling in love with you long before we went to the island .
4 I am particularly afraid of strange dentists , so before I went into the RAF I made sure my teeth were in order .
5 Only when he went into the Victoria Nursing Home did she make the trip to Brighton — just a fortnight before he died .
6 Not so when she went into the shop , carrying the family chicken-feed tin , to whisper , ‘ Pet-a-torn , please . ’
7 So when I went inside the station , I told him where I was .
8 Well anyway I was talking to er Rosette tonight cos I went to the office for some change and I , then I had this like .
9 Exactly and we went to the school , we told them all about it , we phoned the school , we kept saying
10 I remember one Monday morning , just after we went into the Boys ' School , he came into Standard One and brought with him , from our class , Jim Weeks , who had been absent when the registers were called .
11 It happened just after we went past the , just before .
12 Soon after I went to the department I introduced a policy of charging overseas patients for their medical care .
13 This happened just before I went to the first gay liberation meeting in London .
14 An event that stands out occurred at Easter 1922 , just before I went into the Boys ' School .
15 Well it was a wee bit under because I was only an office clerk , I , I was n't the junior but by then had come there and there were other , other clerks , some girls who 'd come into the office and I 'd got a little bit of step up you see and took over a little bit more important work , erm , I did just before I went in the Army have a dabble at erm running times , that was preparing the schedules for buses .
16 So er obviously I did n't know anything about the money owed or we would 've endeavoured to pay it off straight away when we went to the bank er originally when it went when it folded .
17 Anyway when I went in the phone was on the hook , and I said who was on the phone ?
18 yeah cos Derek were going backwards when we went round the corner were n't we ?
19 Yes my Lord er as soon as we went to the main bedroom which was the back bedroom at the same time as as that bedroom door opened , so the second team consisting of er P C P C would have gone into the second smaller bedroom and at the same time as we went in er P C and P C job er was to cover our backs in case of anybody in er the kitchen or the living area , the living room area .
20 " Oh , but you 've been in bed ! " she exclaimed as soon as she went round the angle .
21 As soon as he went through the door , Antony leaned over and kissed Jenny lightly on the lips .
22 The next day , which was the Friday , O did n't work and he did n't eat ; he woke up late , stayed in bed until it was dark , got up at nine and dressed in his white shirt just like always and he went to The Bar looking for his heart 's desire one very last time , and that was the night that he met Boy .
23 She came home quickly and we went to the airport and waited for news .
24 However , because I knew her at close quarters only during her maiden years and have not seen her once since she went to the West Country to become ‘ Mrs Benn ’ , you will perhaps excuse my impropriety in referring to her as I knew her , and in my mind have continued to call her throughout these years .
25 I missed my dad more than ever as I went into the house , ahead of the others , and climbed the drab stairs to lie on my bed , looking out at the bright blue sky above the street .
26 His false leg was a legacy of Dunkirk and he limped noticeably as he went to the drinks cupboard and poured a whisky .
27 Course I did ask once when I went to the family plannin for a smear .
28 Oh Charlie shut her up at , at Chris 's mums funeral , when we went to Chris 's mum funeral , she 's erm , she said something or other about , request something or other about , pointing at the I should n't 've been there really because I did n't know her and Charlie said she felt did n't know her and erm she said oh well Rose never spoke about her , or words to that effect , Chris says the reason our mum never spoke about her cos she never showed her face in here anyway , he said when was the last time you see your mum , at that , she shut straight up like that , her face went , she 'd like saying that I should n't 've been there cos I did n't know her , I mean yet , she ai n't set foot in the house for fucking year like , you know she 's a horrible cow , and like when we went in the church , when we went in the crematorium er you had , she had a nice , big one up on the hill is it Arnold 's ?
29 His young master brought him in repeatedly and I went through the motions , trying at the same time to make it clear that it was all hopeless .
30 he did nt connect cleanly but it went into the bottom left corner of the goal .
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