Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Under this system prisoners could work together and use the same dormitories , but they were forbidden to speak to one another or communicate in any other way ; they were , therefore , under constant close surveillance day and night .
2 The advantages of friendship are that you have someone who can help you in any difficulties , you can have fun together and share the same experiences .
3 If the WGMS were to be adopted in Britain , could no way be found of modifying it so as to afford the same opportunity ?
4 Will you agree that we do that , rather than have the same thing coming up time after time .
5 Alternatively , if you expect to be in a high earning bracket , you might consider setting up a limited company , even if you are the only salaried employee , rather than launching the same business as a self-employed individual .
6 Ski with a friend and make some fairly short-radius turns which the second skier will try to emulate at exactly the same moment ( ie turn at the same time rather than follow the same track ) .
7 Rather than giving the same recognition to differences among literacies which he proposes to be differences among languages , he uses what is in fact the ‘ autonomous ’ model of literacy as the basis for arguments about the specific nature of the English language .
8 With the decline of these markets , the company has been forced to look elsewhere or face the same fate as IBM .
9 If you ask two people to go away and do the same job with a degree of excellence , are you to get the same result at the end of the day ?
10 By the time the children have grown up , the marital relationship can be very empty , often extending little further than sharing the same house .
11 Other jingo socialists went so far as to attribute the same view to Winston Churchill , quoting him as saying :
12 Ian Taylor speculates that tree clumps may act as a respiratory system , drawing up earth energies and releasing them through the clump 's composite aura , as well as performing the same function with subtle celestial stimuli .
13 However , there is also in English a more substantial effect on linguistic form for all the separatives ; they are ungrammatical in predicative position , even when qualifying the same nouns that they can accompany fully acceptably in attributive position : ( 47 ) the king is/will be future fortunately , Dostoievsky 's execution was mock Likewise , in the attributive phrases in ( 48 ) , possible and occasional are separative , qualifying the relationship between the entity of the noun phrase and the descriptions RIVAL and SAILORS respectively , rather than directly qualifying the entity itself : ( 48 ) a possible rival now came on the scene Wilkes and Andersen are occasional sailors ( the last pair of words has much the same meaning as the phrase week-end sailors ) .
14 Almost every activity of the outside world was reproduced there and provided the same outlets , fatuous and valuable , for human energy .
15 Herbert was there too and wrote the same day that ‘ It 's heavenly here — the air is wonderful and one never feels tired … ’
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