Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Another way of creating a bad impression at a social interview is by being so self-conscious and aware of what is going on that you are unable to act naturally and show yourself in the best possible light .
2 ‘ My stomach had all but resigned itself to a life of poverty . ’
3 The IMF 's programme in Trinidad and Tobago is a case in point and in his resignation letter Budhoo asserts : ‘ We manipulated , blatantly and systematically , certain key statistical indices so as to put ourselves in a position where we could make very false pronouncements about ( the ) economic and financial performance of that country . ’
4 I am sure that he will wish to join me in congratulating the governors , the headmaster and the parents involved in the school on their wisdom in applying for grant-maintained status so as to free themselves from the bureaucracy and interference of the local education authority .
5 Even a sentence like I finished mine tomorrow morning can be contextualised so as to present itself in the guise of a jocular paradox :
6 Rather than contenting himself with a specific and clearly defined puzzle , Poulantzas aims to give a broad account of the capitalist state , which will show what it is and what it does by revealing its connections with the various instances of the social whole .
7 Like his men , he has made a blanket-roll to carry immediate necessities rather than burdening himself with a blanket bag or other form of knapsack .
8 From the seller 's point of view , rather than expose himself to the vagaries of litigation , and the need to negotiate with each buyer as to exactly what remedies are appropriate in each case , it is preferable to set out a specific and detailed procedure which deals with the remedying of defects .
9 In Rome , the Iranian chargé d'affaires rushed off to the seaside rather than commit himself to the Shah 's uncertain cause .
10 Some people marry into families rather than commit themselves to a partner .
11 Such investors tended to come in when stocks were exchanged rather than present themselves at the moment of initiation .
12 Of course , you may prefer to choose outside alliances rather than restrict yourself to the family , but in times of hardship the family may be more dependable .
13 The conference decided that the ANC would , at this stage , remain a liberation movement rather than transform itself into a political party .
14 Rather than concerning itself with the way in which the properties of this structure emerge from its components , it takes the structure as given and asks how it reproduces itself and changes .
15 We should take them at their word and hold them to it , rather than resign ourselves to the judgment that they have been lying .
16 The shorter this is , the more sense it makes to take the lump sum , rather than deny yourself for a longer-term pension that you will not be around to enjoy .
17 The touchline was the launchpad — more so against Ireland than France — of some of Scotland 's best driving mauls and highlighted the danger of players swelling defensive ranks rather than committing themselves to the maul .
18 He turned away and swung himself into the saddle of the horse that Bravd was holding .
19 He did what any timorous man in a panic would do , ran away and hid himself within the community , where he was known and respected , and no one would ever guess he had attempted such a deed . ’
20 Still trembling , she got out finally and wrapped herself in a huge towel and padded into the kitchen to put the kettle on .
21 Perhaps you could go and fight in one of those wars they 're always having somewhere and lose yourself in the din of battle .
22 Finally I decided to decline politely and throw myself on the mercy of an acquaintance instead . ’
23 Then they built a sand-castle with ramparts and a moat and turrets , and stopped off at a café on their way home and treated themselves to a delicious cream tea .
24 The subscription is quoted at £3 3s. 0d. for Gentlemen and £2 2s. 0d. for Ladies and urges those wanting to join ‘ to do so at once and avail themselves of the present low subscription free of entrance fee ’ .
25 He greeted them briskly and folded himself into a chair .
26 In the Macdonald household at Armadale , he asked questions busily and settled himself to a general spirit of enquiry , the fruits of which he then presents in his Journey .
27 Whereas I — ’ he sighed theatrically and smote himself on the chest — ‘ am Arab . ’
28 ‘ What happened next I do not know , ’ said the servant , ‘ but a year later she came to our house here and threw herself into the mistress 's arms and begged her to take her in .
29 It might even drift towards a Scandinavian-style peripheral role in Nato as well as distancing itself from the EEC .
30 As well as powdering herself with the same orange and blue skin-whitening powders which her mother and grandmother had used , our bride asked maids and foreign Arab friends to search out modern creams and perfumes to be tried and kept , tried and discarded .
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