Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Sadleir felt that he had done enough and wished to return to the coast .
2 Luke pushed back his chair impatiently and went to stand at the window , looking down , his back towards her .
3 Rather than trying to start in the depths of prehistory , when local material may be scarce , or difficult to interpret , a better approach may well be to begin in the present and work backwards .
4 rather than having to move out the way
5 Rather than having to type in the name of a program or press certain letters or numbers to select a function the user simply ‘ points ’ to what is required and presses a button .
6 Wh when you put people on the patches for the first time because the hormone goes straight into the system , rather than having to go through the gut ,
7 3 It hopes to allow , and induce , students to work at the pace best suited to them as individuals , rather than having to proceed at the standard class rate .
8 This will occur if the viscosity of the magma is low enough for crystals to escape from the boundary layer on the convective timescale rather than remaining to contribute to the density evolution of the boundary layer .
9 Many girls were saying to me , ‘ I ca n't cope with having breasts , the hassle it brings , the fear of rape or the jokes and remarks from boys , the idea that I must be a slag or a ‘ goer ’ , so rather than try to deal with the whole world ( which I ca n't ) , I 'll just turn all my anger inwards against myself , against the thing I can control : my body . ’
10 There are innumerable reasons why albums take longer than expected to get into the shops .
11 Lucenzo moved away and began to complain to the catering manager , breaking into the man 's spirited singing of an Italian opera .
12 As his boss turned away and began to stride down the corridor , Dexter noticed a wary look slither into Pargeter 's eyes .
13 He pulled away and began to wander towards the stairs .
14 When he married he rented a rambling red-brick Georgian house two miles away and bicycled to work at the forge most days .
15 When she hastily drew away and tried to wriggle off the bed he caught her wrist and pulled her back .
16 The sow was very angry when we took her little boys away and tried to clamber over the wall of the sty .
17 Blanche rolled away and started to run towards the front door .
18 When the others returned , bringing the extra equipment , he took a field radio , stepped outside and began to transmit to the Hercules that was still circling around above them somewhere .
19 James stepped outside and started to walk towards the hotel .
20 Nevertheless , it is likely that in the larger cities at any rate there was considerable change in the personnel of the ruling oligarchies , the members of which clearly were drawn from outside and aspired to return to the country if they could make their fortunes .
21 Despite the penalties the recession and the increasingly sophisticated technology used by counterfeiters mean unlike the dinosaur this is a problem which wo n't go away but threatens to grow over the coming months .
22 They had been in no hurry to get away but intended to wait until the beginning of daylight before entering the forest .
23 He did n't look back at the sudden commotion behind him and , when a shadow passed over him , merely gibbered weakly and tried to burrow into the horse 's mane .
24 Mobuto climbed out slowly and turned to wave at the waiting photographers .
25 So far as Richard was concerned if his father was eventually going to insist that he give up his conquests then it was at least possible that he would get better terms if he approached Philip directly and offered to abide by the judgement of the French court .
26 Our company is exchanging greetings with the young soldiers when suddenly a white car refuses to stop at the next checkpoint up the street — braking only slightly and seeking to swerve past the two soldiers .
27 as if to turn attention away from the continual coldness of his hands , he pulled on the gloves comically and pretended to grope about the room with them like a blind man .
28 Now that used to go in the old stew pot and they used to boil the bones till the meat dropped off , and the vegetables And that was your most of your meal for the rest of the week .
29 We should have been over the pass by now and starting to look for the Hacienda Lucinda .
30 But Joan Fox , head of patient services at Greenbank Hospital said : ‘ As well as trying to look after the psychological and physical care of these long stay elderly patients , we are trying to improve their environment on the wards .
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