Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] be a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the past it hovered uneasily between being a rival to gold in jewellery and coinage and being a highly versatile industrial material .
2 We did n't seem to worry too much about being a couple of strokes off the lead .
3 It is an amazing sight , the more so for being a waste of time .
4 However , I imagined that the praise I received that night was merely to be a preview of the steaming sauna of appreciation that I 'd receive after the first night .
5 Still , in spite of the above , I just want to live long enough to be a problem to my children .
6 Nobody doubts that , in principle , Europe is large and sophisticated enough to be a powerhouse of new technology , but the achievement of that goal can only be impeded by the cost of supporting agriculture ( which consumes resources and engages people in traditional , not novel , tasks ) .
7 ‘ You must be looking forward to when you 're old enough to be a Brownie like your sister ! ’
8 That happens often enough to be a matter for public concern .
9 If the message you sent her was as cryptic as you said it was and she 's still managed to get here , she 's smart enough to be a danger to us . ’
10 Following the est the establishment of the public services section , I was lucky enough to be a delegate at the conference held in April .
11 The case came to hinge on the legitimacy of Mabel because of William 's first contracted marriage and so to be a matter for the church courts .
12 True to style , Mr Pozsgay claimed only to be a sympathiser of the movement and not its instigator .
13 Given the size of the motion-picture audience it was inevitable that political authorities would become involved in some regulation of the industry even if it was only to be a question of safety and fire regulations , but what made the movies even more into a public issue was that they became a mass activity precisely at the moment when political parties and social agencies were more concerned than ever before with how the masses could be accommodated within cities .
14 The banks have any number of excuses for this further move away from being a friend to thrifty and sensible private and business customers .
15 It does not seem any longer to be a system of dominance and subordination .
16 At least there was soon to be a bit of activity in the neighbourhood to distract the young lad 's attention : in June of 1797 Charles the Cheesemonger was to achieve the singular distinction of being mentioned , en passant , in an Act of Parliament .
17 The same was true in Normandy , where Henry II 's concession to Rouen between 1160 and 1170 , soon to be a model for other cities across the Angevin empire , permitted internal self-government by a mayor and town council , but also allowed the duke to choose the mayor from a list of three names submitted to him by the council , and protected the ducal right to military service .
18 He was content just to be a part of the pack , and Ollie was prepared to allow this , providing he did n't get too close to the family .
19 People travelled from remote lands just to be a part of it , for no one was ever turned from the door .
20 Beyond this , what might appear just to be a way of illustrating how motets were put together — singing the two or three different , often highly contrasted melodies individually before putting them together as a polyphonic , multi-texted whole — may equally well represent a valid reflection of the manner in which they were originally performed .
21 More recently , of course , Hytner has become the internationally acclaimed director of Miss Saigon , but he claims that he does n't want just to be a director of musicals , or only of anything else for that matter .
22 We do n't want to lose the scrum as part of our game or just to be a means of restarting play ’ , concluded Spotswood .
23 Since no scientist was prepared to sit down and do a comparable amount of research in order to demolish a theory which seemed so patently to be a load of rubbish , they all simply cried ‘ Rubbish ! ’ and stamped their feet .
24 But the reality of Jules 's living quarters turns out already to be a set of images , i.e. a disused garage , in which pop art rubs shoulders with wrecked 1950s autos on the model of those in Nicholas Ray 's Rebel Without a Cause .
25 Colour printing is moving rapidly from being a novelty to being the required method of output .
26 It 's actually too thin to be uncomfortable , funnily enough ; none of the sharp edges even come close to being a nightmare for the rib cage .
27 Drawing was always to be a liberation for him .
28 Mandatory reselection was won in 1979 and a new method for electing the leader of the party was adopted in 1981 which gave trade unions and constituency parties a major say , but there has still to be a change in the way in which the party manifesto is drawn up .
29 Grubby was and is the most unlikely man ever to be a hit in the world of advertising .
30 So far as it is known , Noble has been the only born-deaf person ever to be a Freemason in Britain .
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