Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] but [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ cities of inner despair ’ were conceived as the breeding ground for disorderly protest , and however hard the Government tried to break the causal link between the two , it was forced to take on board the need to restore order not only through the police but through promises of help for the inner cities .
2 Which ( as labelling theory rightly suggests ) is bad not only for the offenders but for the rest of society , because it makes re-offending much more likely .
3 ‘ This is a very exciting day , not only for the fund-raisers but for the hospital and the population of Darlington and Teesdale .
4 And , of course , closely packed plants compete not only with the weeds but with each other .
5 The Christians believed that by the death of Jesus , the suffering servant of Isaiah , God had formed a new covenant not only with the Jews but with all peoples of the earth .
6 The appeal of the New Connexion was largely to the industrial poor ; Primitive Methodism attracted humble folk not only in the towns but in the agricultural villages as well .
7 In particular , economists and statisticians were needed to help formulate economic policy , not only in the departments but in the Cabinet Office as well .
8 Before he left he wrote to Routh suggesting that if some of the money now wasted utterly in relief works were instead put into interest-free loans to the Irish railways , a great deal of employment would follow , not only on the lines but in the trade they would stimulate .
9 The Steam Museum is dedicated to the steam engine which was used not only on the railways but in industry too .
10 What lies behind the fear and insecurity of French Canadians is patently a social cataclysm which is indicated by the dramatically sudden collapse of the Catholic Church in what had for so long been a conservative , Catholic , clerical , child- producing society not only among the farmers but among townspeople .
11 the guardians in Poplar and other Unions with high rates of unemployment were constrained from paying out-door relief not only by the regulations but by the fact that such payments would have to be financed by the ratepayers of the Union , most of whom were low paid .
12 When Henry Homer wrote this in 1767 the canal age was in its infancy , but he predicted that not only by the turnpikes but with the aid of " an even more valuable project of increasing inland navigation , a facility of communication is soon likely to be established from every part of the Island to the sea and from the several places on it to each other " .
13 The rise of Fascism was welcomed at the time , not only by the Italians but by many others , including the British Prime Minister , Baldwin , and Winston Churchill , who probably saw in the movement a bulwark against Bolshevism .
14 Life is sacred , not just for the humans but for the androids as well .
15 The drives we put on against New Zealand were things that we had worked on and it was very satisfying to see them coming off , not just for the forwards but for the backs as well .
16 In theory , then , we could use black holes as a way of travelling not just between the stars but between the galaxies .
17 It is a telling commentary upon parliament but even more so upon the church 's limited political potency : at that stage , the clergy needed the support not just of the commons but of the peers as well in order to defend effectively their privileges and franchises ; repeal was effected in the council and chiefly through the agency of the lords ; when the prelates contemplated a riposte in convocation they were instantly quelled by writs of prohibition .
18 The key to the approach though lies not just with the police but with the Northants diversion unit .
19 There is always interest in all aspects of the show — not just in the dogs but in the displays , the trade stands and special events .
20 Most attention in the past , however , has been given to residential differentiation within urban areas , whereas the current trends are operating on a much broader canvas , such that young school leavers are drawn to London from all over Britain , older people retire to remoter rural areas where they previously enjoyed holidays , and young married couples move not just to the suburbs but to smaller cities and towns situated at considerable distance from the major urban centres .
21 The third area is that of media advertising by individual firms on the basis of the Solicitors ' publicity Code , which would be of advantage not just to the firms but to potential clients as well .
22 It is because Marx and Engels look not just at the laws but at the nature of relations of production within a whole system that this fundamental and analytically fruitful difference shows up with such great prominence in their work .
23 When you begin to think about it you grow dizzy , your stomach turns over , not just at the commercialism of it all , but at the aestheticism of it all , not just at the chequebooks but at the Intelligent Conversations , not just at the fifty percent but at the Sensitive Responses , not just at the winks and nods but at the Hushed Silence in the Presence of Art .
24 So having settled on Road , moved to Lane which was the nearest school , still in the juniors but by then our age would be nearly eleven , time to move onto a bigger school .
25 ‘ I 've seen this done so often in the films but to be arrested myself …
26 For example , she takes the Nicaean expression of belief as literally true , speaking not simply of the Logos but of Jesus ( sic ) becoming incarnate .
27 Ophioplinthaca has been chosen as type genus because it shows the greatest and therefore most unambiguous development of the characters which separate this subfamily from the others but from the Ophiacanthinae in particular .
28 Indeed some of these reforms were later put forward by the Hussites but with the Hussite Wars , this great period of cathedral building came to an end .
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