Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , after our second stop in Bombay a few passengers gratefully chose the option of being one-armed , one-legged , one-eyed , two-headed beggars rather than having to return to their seatettes and fly somewhere for a few months with their hands on their heads .
2 Placing her thumb in her mouth , she sucked on it furiously for a few seconds before settling down once more into a deep sleep .
3 Soon after the match we were strolling companionably through the handsome streets of the town , past a striking collection of houses and shops built from the mellow , biscuit-coloured local stone .
4 Most of us , male and female , will find a place somewhere between the two ends of that continuum .
5 So he told her a little about the early months of the war ; of the friendship and the camaraderie , of the optimistic feeling of the times .
6 This creates the dilemma illustrated in the project discussed above , of appearing to meet local needs when in fact such actions do little about the real causes of social problems and may indeed aggravate them by uprooting local leaders .
7 On a more positive note , the sole practitioner generally needs to care little about the financial decisions of his colleagues and how they might affect his income .
8 To see the relevance of this , it is first necessary to know a little about the various ways in which genes are arranged in organisms .
9 Soon the car was moving slowly through the snowy streets of the town .
10 Thus NEP as a monetary phenomenon took time to seep slowly through the various levels of society , just as pistoles and écus had competed with the franc in the French provinces after that other great revolution .
11 Athelstan picked up his leather bag , marched out of the tavern , collected Philomel and made his way slowly through the empty streets to London Bridge .
12 Yanto 's mind was busy as he meandered slowly through the leafy lanes towards Purton .
13 This process of learning takes place more rapidly and intensely during the early years of childhood than in later life .
14 So Kalmu was launched on a highly successful career as a shamanistic seer and miracle-worker which enabled him to acquire both wealth and power and hence to compensate very effectively for the severe disabilities under which he laboured on account of his low caste origins .
15 People are n't going to request your record unless they have heard of it , and finally , they wo n't have heard of your record unless it has been promoted properly through the usual channels of TV , radio , music press , national press and live shows .
16 The three piece leather does make for a lot of stitching at the sides and this suffered quite badly after a few days on rough moraine .
17 She began a letter a month after their arrival with the words , ‘ Here we are in a large mansion , in a large park , with seventy head of deer around us ’ , before going on to describe a house which contained ‘ furniture enough for a dozen families like ours ’ .
18 It was far enough from anywhere to be unnoticed , far enough for the loudest sounds to be muffled and lost to passers-by .
19 Disgusted by his own conceit , Maxim drifted out to the steps down to the lawn — the night was still warm enough for the big windows to be open-flanked by two huge , discreetly floodlit magnolia trees .
20 This book is all about defending yourself against baddies but , so far , I have n't mentioned much about the specific types of this particularly unpleasant breed .
21 It seems to have been unusual for any girl to go beyond straight typesetting to learn much about the other processes at this stage : a crucial point .
22 We have learnt much about the possible pitfalls of a flexible approach .
23 Yes , yes , he was a poor little sole all the way through was n't , but , erm , she does n't sort of tell you much about the good times at the end
24 We hear much about the supposed benefits of object-oriented technology : shorter product development times , easier maintenance , better portability , all purportedly resulting in better quality products .
25 The home of the world 's oldest surviving lifeboat tells us much about the maritime traditions of Captain Cook Country .
26 Certain tasks can be performed only through the combined efforts of a number of people working together — e.g. a police or a medical operation .
27 Parliamentary sovereignty was felt to be compatible with the rule of law primarily because ‘ the commands of Parliament … can be uttered only through the combined actions of its three constituent parts ’ and that , ‘ unlike a sovereign monarch who is not only a legislator but a ruler , that is , head of the executive government , has never hitherto been able to use the powers of the government as a means of interfering with the regular course of law ’ .
28 Throughout 1811 – 12 attacks on machinery took place not only through the stocking-making counties of Nottinghamshire , Leicestershire and Derbyshire but also in the woollen districts of the West Riding and the cotton districts of Lancashire .
29 Indeed , it is only through the dedicated actions of many parents that the meeting took place .
30 The religious observances of the inhabitants of Corbridge are well attested , not only through the structural remains of the six or so temples which lined the south side of the main east-west street near the military compounds but also through the number of dedications and items of religious sculpture which have been recovered from the site ; quite a number , though , of the dedications were made by military personnel or army units .
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