Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [verb] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The string spacing is far too narrow , not only on the fretboard but more especially with regard to the right hand .
2 Moreover , there were strong elements of continuity , especially with regard to the central organising significance of Christianity which from the early days of Christendom to the present has structured basic beliefs and formed the framework within which law and custom ( if not always behaviour ) have operated .
3 The strand of the overall Whitehouse philosophy that was referred to above , and which , perhaps , is only implicitly suggested by the two examples discussed , is the particularly vulnerable position which , she feels , young people occupy , especially with regard to the pernicious influences of the mass media .
4 Uncertainty exists as to the legal effect of the Protocol and Agreement , especially with regard to the special position of the UK .
5 Quite unprompted , Mr Cross related his experience of the place which tallied precisely with Peter Handford 's , especially with regard to the disused quarry on the Bath side of Winsor Hill tunnel .
6 Apart from their ‘ vertical ’ obligations individuals were tied together by belonging to the same group .
7 As with classroom practice , it can learn much by attending to the best of what is taking place in its schools .
8 Broad political support will not , of course , be won merely by appealing to the inherent rationality of planning as opposed to the profit-oriented allocation of resources .
9 Even if your company 's main task is , for example , to carry on business in the chemical industry , this can probably be changed , if you wish to , merely by going to the annual general meeting .
10 Pensioner members who wish to take up this suggestion may do so by writing to the Honorary finance Officer stating when they retired/resigned from the Bank and quote their membership/staff number and , in their letter , incorporate a clear request that all or part of the sum be donated to the Frank Holden Defence Fund . . .
11 This is even more true if we wish to make generalisations of the kind I examined above with regard to the relative logic , objectivity and neutrality of whole systems .
12 As has been demonstrated elsewhere with regard to the generic probation setting ( Singer , 1989 ) , the supervision of offenders involves two overarching aims : namely support and surveillance .
13 This procedure can be understood most easily by referring to the static torque/position characteristics , even though at the speeds in question these characteristics are not strictly applicable .
14 Within the Rowdies group , there was some confusion as to who was and who was not an aggro leader and also with regard to the characteristic behaviours expected of such a person .
15 The decision of the House of Lords in Vestey v IRC ( No 2 ) [ 1979 ] 3 All ER 976 is of considerable importance not only in attempting to interpret TA 1970 , s478 ( now TA 1988 , s739 ) but also with regard to the constitutional questions raised concerning extra-statutory concessions .
16 Overall there was a much more varied selection of entries this year both in regard to the wide assortment of subjects tackled and to the quality of the writing .
17 At United States insistence this review would proceed more cautiously with regard to the Soviet Union .
18 The degenerate octamer-TAATGANAT oligonucleotides A and C differ only at position 11 ( see Fig. 4A ) and compete equally well for binding to the labelled ICP4 sequence as the completely homologous TAATGARAT sequence B. The Ad2 degenerate octamer-TAATGAR motif oligonucleotide A , which contains the first four bases of the octamer fused to a perfect TAATGARAT motif , seems to be a stronger competitor than oligonucleotides B and C. In summary , the results displayed in Fig. 4B and C clearly show that the POU domain of pou[c] binds with high affinity to the TAATGARAT and degenerate octamer-TAATGAR motifs and with very low affinity ( only detectable after overexposure of GMSA signals ) to the canonical octamer motif .
19 In The Archaeology of knowledge he develops his suggestion in The Order of Things that an epistemological mutation is taking place today with regard to the very concept and methodology of history .
20 Erm I I I signed over I signed over a number of thousands of pounds erm n nine years ago , eight or nine years ago with regard to the matrimonial home which Alison still lives in with my son Ben today .
21 We have also already considered the issue of methodological soundness and revealed doubts about the validity of the tests , at several levels , particularly with regard to the technical problems , and especially those of the Rasch model .
22 Rather , it is to say that Gusfield 's theory may continue to have explanatory power , particularly with regard to the initial motivation of participants in such a movement , and that where Wallis ' work is important is in pointing to the cultural concerns that may also underpin the rise of specific moral entrepreneurial groups .
23 The Council would welcome any comments or suggestions on these proposals , particularly with regard to the high or low level options for the route in the vicinity of the Baberton and Westburn housing developments , so that public opinion can be reflected in the design of the road where possible .
24 ( iv ) Although the claims in these actions are not made for the performance of the obligations under the contracts or as a result of their breach , they do concern matters relating to a contract , since the court is determining the consequences of the nullity of the contracts , particularly with regard to the contractual matters of total failure of consideration and payments under a mistake .
25 Particularly with regards to the Catholic church and an insecure State .
26 Little help for either view may be found in the accounts of the life of Fahreddin Acemi in the early sources , however , for particularly in regard to the critical period after the death of Molla Fenari they give little information .
27 It follows that if we know the exact pitch of the siren , it is theoretically possible to work out how fast we are moving towards or away from it simply by listening to the apparent pitch and comparing it with the known " true " pitch .
28 Because there are no rituals to handle this confusion of feeling , friends may avoid us , even by crossing to the other side of the street .
29 As many observed at the time , the question could have similarly been asked nearly fifty years earlier with regard to the relative lack of support for the 1926 General Strike in the same county : as Sunley ( 1990 ) describes the two geographies , they have ‘ striking parallels ’ .
30 Having spent the whole summer denying any link between its policies and the riots , the Government had to tread warily in responding to the economic and social policy proposals of the Scarman Report when it was published in November 1981 .
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