Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well , it would serve them right for treating her like a baby .
2 Do n't worry too much about providing her with a healthy diet for the time being — the strangest combinations of food can provide an adequate intake of nutrients and children can be perfectly healthy on remarkably little .
3 Trevor , thanks very much for joining us on the programme .
4 Okay Alan , well thanks very much for joining us on the programme this afternoon
5 What amazes me is how often they 'll say to me ‘ Thank you very much for treating me like a human being ’ because however drunk they are in the churchyard I always believe that you 're much more likely to get somewhere with somebody if you are polite and kind to them and treat them like a real human being , and you can get into all sorts of fascinating conversations with these people even when they are fairly drunk , because actually they are real human beings , they are n't awful people .
6 Well erm erm had a word with erm who was about oh fourth in line in the erm education hierarchy in those days and erm then spoke to who was the Chief Education Officer and er , I think they were a bit erm , bit apprehensive about employing a blind typist because erm it was something that they had never had any experience of but in the end they thought it was worth a try and er especially after supporting me at the College and erm also perhaps they had in mind that many of the erm employees would be leaving if war broke out and erm , in fact by that time war had probably started
7 He acknowledges her humiliation by jumping out of his side of the car , coming round to hers , opening the door for her and waiting ostentatiously for her awkwardly to tuck her legs inside before closing it with a little bow .
8 My mother will take care of you while I get the house together , ’ he said , embracing her gently before taking us into the house .
9 The new matrix is symmetric , since both its i , jth and j , ith elements are unity ; moreover , its determinant is -1 , since in moving the jth row to the ith position unc we cross j — i rows ; but the original ith row is now the i + 1th and so in taking it to the jth position we cross j — i — 1 rows .
10 He tried to stop it but succeeded only in propelling it across the line .
11 AS OPPOSITION to the palace coup in Peru mounts inside and outside the country , it seems President Alberto Fujimori , by turning the guns of dictatorship against his own government , has succeeded only in shooting himself in the foot .
12 The East Germans were not set on abolishing the distinction between town and country , just perhaps on smothering it in a pall of acidic smoke and rain .
13 John Urry and I then broadened it and transformed it to make it the cornerstone of our chapter on postmodernism in The End of Organized Capitalism , especially by locating it within a framework of a book which is essentially a comparative political economy of advanced capitalist societies .
14 It 's also worth noting that if leather corals are disturbed , especially by introducing them into an unfamiliar aquarium , the polyps will retract and it may take several days for them to reopen .
15 Imagine a mercantile agent who obtains possession of the goods ( perhaps by borrowing them from the owner ) and who shows them to X , an innocent prospective purchaser .
16 The reasoning behind it being that she would not be able to come to terms with the notion of her mother being dead , so by removing her from the place where the tragedy had occurred and allowing enough time to pass , she would better be able to come to terms with her loss .
17 Only by supplying something outside the poem — claims for intention , the ostensible participation of the language in recognisable ( and thus containable ) poetic conventions , the equation of Astrophil with Sidney and his love with Penelope Rich ( the sequence 's Stella ) and then a testing of the language 's claim against their history — could the referential quality of the poem 's language be critically maintained .
18 It is only by bringing them into the light of day that we can assess their cogency .
19 How could he explain that only by emptying himself into a woman was there any relief ?
20 ‘ If man can not create anything or move anybody , if he can not break out of the prison of his total narcissism and isolation , he can escape the unbearable sense of vital impotence and nothingness only by affirming himself in the act of destruction of the life that he is unable to create .
21 Do not hesitate to throw a card away after rewriting it in a better form .
22 All in all , it is in no way surprising that Nietzsche should have put them to one side soon after writing them at the turn of the year .
23 Well you 're very lucky cos so , you might have easily of had nobody in the family
24 We as magistrates do try and be consistent in our sentencing er throughout the country , I think it 's beholden on the police to be consistent in their approach to offenders , as well , and it seems quite wrong that someone in Folkestone gets away with doing something with a guy in Wigan er goes before the court .
25 Anyway a plant , we think , for bigger gardens but if you can get away with growing it in a small space where cutting it back by all means do because it is quite a pretty thing .
26 Former French Open champion Walton goes into the third round of the £618,000 championship in second place , two strokes behind Swede Mats Lanner , and 36 good holes away from saving himself from the trip that no player wants to make .
27 Either issue all the discs separately before offering them in a boxed set , or issue the boxed set first and then issue the discs separately : that is the only fair and honest way of marketing complete sets .
28 From where he was lying , he could neither go forwards nor backwards without exposing himself as a target .
29 Indeed , I have blundered straight away by placing them in a context of the 1960s and 1970s , as though in 1970 they stopped !
30 British tourist Stephen Profitt , who paid £200 for Lucky in Malta , was fined £100 yesterday for bringing her into the country without a licence .
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