Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He travelled widely after graduating with a second-class BA ( ordinary degree ) in 1878 and spent a year as a stockman in Queensland , Australia .
2 It was reported on April 8 that Michel Mokuba Bokulo Mena , who had been appointed in the Cabinet reshuffle on March 28 , had resigned as Minister of Institutional Reforms apparently after disagreeing with the Prime Minister .
3 There is a small harbour , and skeletons of boats decorate the stony beach , the road coming alongside after passing between the terraced cottages of the village .
4 There was no question that he could have gone into some major productions and worked with some of the more notable directors ; he refused point blank , especially after seeing On a Clear Day .
5 But after an hour or so of trudging into the stiff wind , a slight feeling of despair crept over me .
6 According to a correspondent of The Graphic , these 19th-century visitors must have been little different from today's-instead of gasping at the 70-kilometre vista spread before them , their first reaction on arrival at the top was to write commemorative postcards .
7 It gives me the opportunity not only of placing on the official record the Committee 's thanks to its staff for their work , not only of drawing to the attention of the House what I think is the first debate on community care to be initiated in the Chamber which is not part of a debate on another measure , but also of drawing attention to the number of firsts that we score with this report and debate .
8 He can not possibly have played better despite tiring in the second half of a patchy but exciting final .
9 The string spacing is far too narrow , not only on the fretboard but more especially with regard to the right hand .
10 Moreover , there were strong elements of continuity , especially with regard to the central organising significance of Christianity which from the early days of Christendom to the present has structured basic beliefs and formed the framework within which law and custom ( if not always behaviour ) have operated .
11 The strand of the overall Whitehouse philosophy that was referred to above , and which , perhaps , is only implicitly suggested by the two examples discussed , is the particularly vulnerable position which , she feels , young people occupy , especially with regard to the pernicious influences of the mass media .
12 Uncertainty exists as to the legal effect of the Protocol and Agreement , especially with regard to the special position of the UK .
13 Quite unprompted , Mr Cross related his experience of the place which tallied precisely with Peter Handford 's , especially with regard to the disused quarry on the Bath side of Winsor Hill tunnel .
14 The central concern was less with lobbying amongst the powerful , than with creating an irresistible tide of popular opinion that would force the politicians into appropriate action .
15 ‘ I am not satisfied with my works to date , and from now on I want to take a new path ’ , so Beethoven allegedly confessed not long before embarking on the three sonatas of Op. 31 , here introduced into the CD catalogue as a set played on a fortepiano ( by Derek Adlam after Anton Walter , Vienna ; Nannette Streicher , Vienna 1815 ) .
16 Only before embarking on a major expedition have I seen the tension surface in Andy .
17 The count found Držić a witty and entertaining companion , and Držić , a poor cleric , benefited greatly from sharing in the cosmopolitan life of his master .
18 She ducked her head in , and tried to go deeper before making towards the fallen flare .
19 When he returned they lived together before marrying in a quiet register office ceremony in December 1986 .
20 If one looks at the international scene — as any university or special librarian must — the range of choice is further amplified , especially since publishing in the Third World is expanding very quickly .
21 As I said , mine 's only on ringing with an external call , is n't it .
22 This oddity seems most readily explicable in practical terms : probably the heirs of Pamphilus were holding back only on making over the hundred ; as a result only the hundred came into issue ; and because of Scaevola 's proclivity to answering questions concisely ( a point to which we will return ) and ‘ on the facts as stated ’ , the circumstances of the rest of the property were simply left aside .
23 Chapter 12 is devoted entirely to thinking about the causal issues at stake .
24 Much RE writing in the past 20 years or so has centred on the raising of ultimate questions , and there has also been an insistence on developing in pupils skills of understanding and of handling these questions .
25 Apart from their ‘ vertical ’ obligations individuals were tied together by belonging to the same group .
26 The family kept together by focusing on the daily difficulties of life with the grandmother .
27 Let me therefore start afresh by looking at the common law .
28 As with classroom practice , it can learn much by attending to the best of what is taking place in its schools .
29 This stronger sense of learning also carries with it the idea that ultimately the student is able to evaluate it for him or herself , and form a personal view about its validity ( by reading the relevant articles , by listening to the different views of the authorities on the topic , and perhaps by assisting in a clinical trial ) .
30 Perhaps by joining in the public disapproval of surrogacy , and seemingly sharing the moral universe of ‘ Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells ’ , the Committee may have increased their sphere of influence .
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