Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] and [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Quartz , on the other hand , is the most stable and crystallizes at the lowest temperature .
2 sh , he 's really sort of like , dead brainy and goes to the child-minder and goes to school and whatever !
3 All that is most sensible and clearheaded in the Catholic church will meet in Rome on May 17 to celebrate the beatification of Mgr Josemaria Escriva ( 1902–1975 ) who founded Opus Dei , the unecstatic religious movement which may yet save Christianity from the sex therapists .
4 The nave arcade , with its capitals and columns , is the most interesting and dates from the eleventh century ( 401 ) .
5 And , of the instinctual components necessarily repressed and sublimated in the service of culture , the coprophilic is one of the most significant , says Freud : ‘ the excremental is all too intimately and inseparably bound up with the sexual ; the position of the genitals — inter urinas et faeces — remains the decisive and unchangeable factor ’ ( vii .
6 When Jack and Alick , after being shipwrecked and narrowly escaping murder , starvation and sundry other perils , are reunited with Terence on board a brig-of-war , he declares it is worth being lost when reunion is so pleasant and ends with a flourish : ‘ Old fellows , I knew you would come back somehow or other ; I always said so ; astride of a dolphin , if in no other way … ’
7 You did n't have to be highly professional and experienced like a personnel manager has to be today .
8 In this way , the dictionary , being a general-purpose source of knowledge designed for use by non-experts , is being used to contribute to the recognition of text that is both highly specific and intended for a specific audience only .
9 There are three pointed arm spines , the longest one located dorsally and nearly equal in length to segment , the other two much shorter and located on the ventral portion of the arm adjacent to the tentacle pores .
10 The text can be highly discursive and reads like a series of points rather randomly formed into short paragraphs .
11 Others might be talking to their girlfriends or just idly smoking and looking at the sky .
12 That temper was raised higher still when he was finally allowed through and found Matchsticks already waiting , idly smoking and flicking through a copy of Lui .
13 My prognosis is extremely grave and follows from the diagnosis , that these are consequences of a divided society .
14 What the Government are doing about the inspectorate is extremely foolish and flies in the face of its proud history .
15 Here the marginality is less transitory and occurs in the post-tribal situation where the concept of liminality is less familiar to the discipline , even though transitions across spatial and temporal boundaries still create epistemological changes of the kind Turner describes .
16 Experimentally the system is extremely simple and consists of a device rather like a geiger counter filled with an inert gas and containing the atoms of the element in question .
17 Similarly a God derived from mankind 's need and not from ancient superstitions , can be so developed and adapted to the changing requirements of ever-advancing life , that there will be no danger of destroying the associated religion or of weakening its appeal .
18 Their achievements may be limited when compared with those of others , but they are no less real and fulfilling for the people concerned .
19 However , concern over the accountability aspect of the appraisal led the head of department to point out that he was torn between being brutally honest and papering over the cracks .
20 Sam was so delighted and went round the room shaking hands , offering peace and cake .
21 Being so central and combined with the fact that it 's also a club Exclusive hotel where you can always be sure of a lively , fun atmosphere and a friendly welcome , it 's hardly surprising that the Catherine is our most popular base in town and comes top of our list for summer ‘ 90 .
22 Christophe was extremely fit and used to the 100 per cent humidity , and had learnt a long time back to carry the absolute minimum — a battered still camera and two oranges for lunch — for a full day in the forest .
23 The Nez Perce received the settled lands to the north , while the settlers received the Wallowa Lake region so treasured and traversed by the Indians .
24 If the lamp is adjusted , by a circular knob set into the side , the purple glow can be made much brighter and plays over the mutant .
25 Was she a silly adolescent girl to be so confused and seduced by a handsome face ? a beautiful body ?
26 I think the original ending is much better and fits into the jigsaw of the novel much better than the second ending .
27 Phosphocellulose fraction C was dialysed against buffer 3 containing 50 mM ( NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 and applied to a DEAE Sephadex A25 column at a rate of 5mg protein/ml bed volume .
28 Similarly , the declining firm has a share price of only 4.75 and sells at a multiple to earnings of only 2.50 , whereas the supernormal growth firm has a share price of 47.07 and sells at a multiple to earnings of nearly 19 .
29 Joe Fitzgerald was so much older and moved in a different circle , and on the few occasions that Sarah had seen him he had shown no interest in her , but she liked him and knew that he enjoyed reading and poetry as much as she did .
30 Above these levels , such correlations are less evident and over-ridden by a correlation with topography .
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